The website icon has changed, name changed to Israel, and the site title now includes a slur.

Anyone, if you know anything, please let the rest of us know.

edit: Most things seem to be okay now.

Edit 2: we are under attack again.

    2 years ago

    I never use the same exact password twice, but let’s say there’s a pattern involved. The only way someone could figure out my passwords is if they compromise my account on multiple websites, get the passwords in clear text, and figure out the overarching pattern.

      2 years ago

      I think password requirements have probably made this true for most people. You can show mathematically that requiring numbers and a lowercase and uppercase and so forth is actually less protection than having a longer password. If I had a lowercase 20 character password, it would be way more powerful than a 10 character password with a variety of characters – at least when it comes to brute force attempts.

      (Let’s say there’s 10 special characters, so you get 26+26+10 = 62 possible characters per slot. For a 10 character password, there’s 62^10 possibilities, approx 8.4E17. All you’ve got for the lowercase password is 26 possible characters per slot for 20 total characters, or 26^20 possibilities. That’s approx 2E28 possibilities.)