That’s going out of your way to complicate things. Shitty people and single issue voters are a distinction without a difference. You cannot be a single issue voter and not be a shitty person. Enabling and endorsing the most horrific grifters. All because they’ll happily lie to you. And tell you they will deliver it your little Pet Project. Especially repeatedly as they do. Makes you a bad person.
That’s going out of your way to complicate things. Shitty people and single issue voters are a distinction without a difference. You cannot be a single issue voter and not be a shitty person. Enabling and endorsing the most horrific grifters. All because they’ll happily lie to you. And tell you they will deliver it your little Pet Project. Especially repeatedly as they do. Makes you a bad person.
Life is complicated, and so are people. Painting with such a broad brush is akin to being a single issue voter.