… but when humans do it, it’s automatically NSFW.
I’m not encouraging people to go outside like that, to be clear. I’m just curious. Back before clothes were invented, humans must’ve walked around naked before covering up for some period of time, right?
Somewhere in between that and now, covering up became the norm, and now our brains are wired to complain about how naked we feel if we try to not wear clothes. When did the shift happen?
(Edit: fixed typo)
So when flowers rub their gametes on passing animals in the hopes that those animals transmit them to other flowers, it’s fine, but when I do it, everyone loses their minds???
I believe there’s a good number of tribes near the equator that don’t wear much, so not sure it’s even universally NSFW, esp. if your job is a hunter/gatherer. But people wear clothes to protect from sun/pests/plants also. Would imagine we started wearing clothes as soon as we learned how, as it has many benefits, and then the sexualization came as a result of no longer seeing all the parts, and being curious.
For one, unlike most mammals, humans don’t have fur that can keep them warm
You try coming to the equator and telling us you need to keep warm.
Last I checked even mammals that live along the equator still have hair or fur.
Clothing, fur, and hair protects you from the sun better than sun screen. So yes
Hermit crabs have entered the chat.
For me the problem is, with a few exceptions, humans are pretty ugly when naked. I prefer them in clothes.
Human have covered themselves from the elements basically as long as it was possible for them to do so
The change happened when we lost all-over body hair.
Well I don’t think most animals have to worry about their outfit being safe for work since they’re all unemployed freeloaders
Meanwhile bees and ants are unpaid interns