This man just generalized 8 billion peoples’ dreams.
I have a recurring problem of dialing 911 in my dreams and the call never goes through, different dreams but anytime I try calling for help in any of them the call never connects when I need it to.
I’ve dreamt about being locked in a phone booth traveling through time collecting famous people of the past to help me with an English paper. Who says we don’t dream of phones?
All we are is dust in the wind, dude!
That’s just not true.
Not in regular dreams for me. However i used to habe a recurring dream where i accidentally broke my phone display every time. I thibk it’s because I was poor and broke my phone display a lot.
I worked at a Verizon store for 9 years. I definitely had dreams about phones. Usually them getting wet.
Completely false. They don’t show up in YOUR dreams. They definitely do in mine.
You might just be bad at dreaming and don’t have vivid dreams. Don’t worry, you can train that
Yeah I think this is it, some people don’t dream vividly and assume that’s how everyone’s dreams are.
In the last few days, I have lucid dreams almost every night, but I also wake up midnight and then fall asleep pretty easily again so I basically use WBTB without noticing it. Still can’t control it and I really should start keeping a dream diary again. The dreams were incredibly vivid and I still remember actually walking and the feeling of touching things.
Just today I had a lucid dream and looked at my phone to tell the time. Then I remembered this post and thought “ha, I can use my phone in dreams”
I just always forget to stabilize my dream and wake up when closing my eyes.
Awesome :) I used to lucid dream all the time as a kid, it was amazing. It seemed to stop as I got older though I’m sure if I practiced I could get it back.
My dreams are always incredibly vivid and clear, and long though. Last night my dream was over a week or so in dream time 😆
I’ve definitely used my phone in dreams before. People have also said that you can’t read properly in dreams and that’s one way to know you’re dreaming (I was interested in lucid dreaming for a bit), but words look just fine to me when I’m dreaming
When I was around 8 years old, I lost a new issue of Nintendo Power in a Service Merchandise store. That may be the most aged statement I’ve ever made.
Anyway, this was a very distressing experience for me; my disappointment and loss of hope sticks with me to this day. I vividly remember dreaming about finding it some time after. However, in my dream I recall flipping through the pages only to find garbled nonsense, page after page.
This was actually more distressing to my confused, young mind. I don’t even try to read in dreams anymore, but maybe I should; it would be a dead giveaway.
I still miss that issue. It was the Dr. Mario issue for anyone wondering.
RIP Dr Mario issue of Nintendo Power :(