Peter Molyneux is at it again with hyping up his next game as the greatest thing ever made
Peter Molyneux is by quite a wide margin one of the biggest bullshitters in the gaming industry lol.
Flashback to that time when he was at Microsoft in charge of selling the Kinect and he tried to make everyone believe that you could use it to hang out with an AI boy.
he also hasnt released anything relevant in over a decade so I doubt his charisma checks will succeed anymore
“Every part of me wants to tell you everything about it”
Please don’t Molyneux, please don’t.
Peter moleyneux the same Peter molyneux that promised a game changing experience with the release of fable? I’m not going to hold my breath for this
What Molyneux did say, however, was that this all-new mechanic would be part of a more “familiar” environment that was “more like a kind of Fable, Black and White, Dungeon Keeper kind of experience”.
Does he know what kind of a game he’s making? That seems like 3 wildly different game styles…
How does this dude still have money or ability to get funding for his bullshit
Oh course he does… It’s kind of his schtick isn’t it?
Iirc the one time he hyped up something it ended up being this weird mobile game.
Yup. Dude is like Todd Howard with 50% of the delivery sometimes. Maybe 75
Oh christ! Not this fool again
Oh boy here we go again!
And here I thought he had finally disappeared from gaming.
Let’s be realistic: this is another scam by him. Everyone likes to brush it off as him as dreaming bigger than he can pull off and getting caught up in his own hype or whatever. But no, after you do it enough times in a row for enough decades without deviation, it’s hard to deny what it is.
Especially after his most recent game of Godus and all the bullshit from that.
This dude doesn’t deserve the coverage this article gave him, and the only discussion worth having is to warn people off of his lies.
It’s going to be a science-based 100% dragon MMO.
The fact that this dude is still getting coverage is crazy. Remember when he tried that mobile, cube game that was supposed to have some mind blowing reveal once people got to the center?
The thing was so forgettable and a let down that I don’t even remember what it was. Tamper anything this man tries to hype up with a skyscraper sized amount of skepticism.
The winner of the cube game got to be the “god” of Peters next game which was an MMO-like thing. Only after he won his prize the studio kind of forgot about it and just moved on so he never really won anything
There’s a really good piece about it but I don’t recommend reading it, it’s just frustrating and predictablely shitty behaviour
Peter really should just shut the hell up and release his next thing unannounced.
He makes fun games, but he over-promises beyond his abilities. Ignore the hype, play the game when it’s marked down.
He made fun games.
Oh we gonna get to play a NPC.