How on earth can you both not accept the password I copied from my password safe and tell me that I cannot use the same pasaword again?
How on earth can you both not accept the password I copied from my password safe and tell me that I cannot use the same pasaword again?
Why on earth would someone truncate a password? I could make at least 10 more memea about bad handling of passwords
Why? Probably some wild row length limit being hit where a table storing user data was storing an asinine amount of data, just terrible DB organization in an org where someone said “who even needs a DBA.”
How? If you can truncate user passwords, you should never handle user passwords again, unless you’re a student or hobbyist learning a valuable lesson.
There’s no good reason. Whoever did it, did it for a bad reason. (Oh, well, there’s no good reason until you reach several thousand characters.)
That said, it could be worse. Some sites do not truncate your password at the creation form, and only truncate it on the login screen. (Yeah, that happened to me, in 2 different sites.)
Why is it always the one’s for whom security is of utmost importance?
Login to meme account to share shitposting on the internet: top notch up to date security.
Login to the bank who actually handle my money: Clown ass security practices on obsolete infrastructure.
Yep, one of mine was the federal government’s bounds buying portal…
They improved since then, but it’s always the entity that holds your money or oversees your health…