Okay, so this is probably a stupid question, I use Pop!_OS & the current emacs version is Emacs-27 So, If I had to install the latest one (Emacs-29.1 or even Emacs-30.0.93) what does one have to do, compile it manually ?

Or is there another way ?

  • EdHamilton@fosstodon.org
    2 months ago

    @MITM0 @emacs Hi. you might get a better response if you rewrite this as a question. I thought you were going to tell us how to get the latest Emacs. :). And maybe put a hash for popOS, since the answer might come from that direction. I don’t know the answer for popOS. Debian has backported 29.4 to stable and that is new enough for me. If popOS does not have anything newer than what you said, then you could compile it. It isn’t that hard. Google for directions.