ADP is showing this on all hr applications now- I’ve encountered it a few times and always hesitate before choosing. I don’t want my resume to go even further down the vortex and feed an AI model but maybe opting out just eliminates you altogether from consideration.

Have you seen this before? How have you handled it?

[Extracted text from image :

This employer may use an artificial intelligence algorithm to provide an initial comparison of an applicant’s education, experience, and skills against the education, experience and skill requirements in the job description. This analysis produces a Profile Relevancy score, which is intended to be one of many factors that a potential employer will review in making its interview decisions; there are no cut off scores and all applications are visible to employers. Read more about how these tools collect, store, and retain information and the results of the most recent impartial evaluations. The Profile Relevancy score for applicants who opt out will be listed as “Not Available.”

(Checkbox) I want to opt out from having my resume reviewed by artificial intelligence as part of the application process. ]

    2 个月前

    I don’t think there’s any filtering going on at this stage.

    I imagine it’s still in the training phase. It’ll look at who gets selected vs. who gets left, and learns about what kind of resumes the hiring team tends to prefer.

    It’ll also probably be comparing the success of who opts into tracking vs. who declines.

    I could also see it following along later – did this employee meet expectations? Did they quit early? Did they get fired? Etc.

    It’s likely not going to impact OP, but it will likely mean that AI will be able to be as bad at making decisions as whomever sorts through them! Lol

    (Not a dig at any position or role…resumes and interviews are generally not a good assessment of competency for most jobs)

      2 个月前

      You might overestimate the statistical prowess and care to establish good proccesses in HR.

        2 个月前

        Nah. I built the onboarding (IT working with HR) at my last two jobs. It’s a complex mess, very hard to get right, non-stop tweaking.

        Told the dude that hired me today what a dream Lowe’s onboarding was. “Yeah. It was a clusterfuck a few years ago, they refined it down.” They went from 100 redundant questions on the app to 2. (It had been a stupid personality profile trap.)

        Can’t speak to other places, but their managers are held to turnover metrics (I’m told). Hiring dumb assess and they keep leaving or getting fired, that’s on you. I like that idea. We shall see how it goes!