• rumba@lemmy.zip
    1 month ago

    checks news for Luigi fallout

    I’m not sure even that even sways them. They think it won’t happen to them.

    • Iheartcheese@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Because right now they think he was a lone nut job. It couldn’t possibly happen again. We need to prove them wrong.

    • KeenFlame@feddit.nu
      1 month ago

      I just think it’s missing the real culprit twice. We are not being punished and harvested by other people, but by giant entities that are soulless, with global access to replacement humans when one of their crop dies. It will just regrow its pilot instantly. It’s much more concerned about focusing efforts on its legal team to ensure it gets any profit and power the event might have left on the table.

      Similarly, when a zealot notices the slaying of one of their own, they do not think it could be them, they think about the vacant spot and the entailing power vacuum in the ranks of this entity. Humanity is a weakness and disease to them because, unsurprisingly, it is how you rise in favour with any of these odious entities.

      In society, the states have collectively chosen to worship and dedicate their life to the psychopathic entities, have elevated them first to being “legally human” whatever that means, and then beyond that, by giving them control over law and enforcement so they can punish anyone dissenting their overlords.

      Instead of resorting to clandestine conspiracies or infiltration that you might expect, people in these states are out in the open proudly celebrating the progression of the insane dark entities elevation to absolute power and esteem. “They are more human than us”, they proclaim, “they should have more rights than us. We owe it to them to collectively increase our efficiency and meet the demands so they can lead us to salvation.”

      Viciously the weak are considered insufficient, and it hurts me to the bones. Whenever any societal issue appears that clearly asks “is humanity more important, or the overlords that provides for it?” the choice is not even a question for the followers any longer, but straight up considered an insult. “Why should it not be allowed to use indiscriminately any resource that are not part of the church? It is able to, and it has all its legal rights in order. It provides for us. Look what the entity has given us. Repent, bow and work, or you will not be a sacrifice, but a casualty.”

      Some time ago, the knowledge that the entities are summoning some demonic ice age and that the last chance to survive as a species is nearing, most people chose to deny the research, for the chance to climb socially in the ranks of their respective churches by proving their loyalty. The current human leader destroying the research openly, poised to imprison any dissenters. No significant amount of people seemed upset in the states that the entities have now claimed as their sovereign.

      Every country on earth cowers before the dark entities and the fervent zealousry of their worshippers. They wear masks of defeated ideologies. The world’s most powerful military force continually wage excessive one-sided wars in the name of democracy, the face of its sword arm an obscene twist of the idea that people should vote and choose laws via representation, not by force or persuasion. It wears the skin of anything it has eaten and impersonate it not as a disguise but as a means to rally its zealots for battle.

      Luckily, if you have concerns about the irreversible damage these things are doing, a dismissive jeer the most common response, but the collective immune system of the entities is now very close to making it punishable to speak out on concerns of humanity and our species survival.

      It is of no concern of the zealots of course, that can enjoy up to 3 free hours a day that the churches generally allows for sleep. Vying for relative power in the ranks of the church is occupying their thoughts day in and day out as they climb over each other like crabs in a bucket. It’s more fun right now and they might get a better death when the doom comes. It’s ironic that the gluttony and greed are parts of humanity it did not take from us. It causes a deadlock. It’s hard not to believe it is pure malice engineering the end of our species, but that’s what most people believe. That we are killing ourselves. That we are inherently incapable of greatness due to our egoism. That degrading defeatism is hard to believe when we spend our entire day doing altruism for the entities. We have food money and resources enough for every human several times over. We have chosen to give it for safekeeping in the belly of the beast. But I love you anyway good night