Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a message of support Thursday for Elon Musk after the world’s richest man was accused of making a Nazi salute.

Musk “is being falsely smeared,” Netanyahu wrote on X, the social media platform owned by Musk. “Elon is a great friend of Israel. He visited Israel after the October 7 massacre… [and] has since repeatedly and forcefully supported Israel’s right to defend itself against genocidal terrorists and regimes who seek to annihilate the one and only Jewish state.”

Musk later thanked Netanyahu.

    1 month ago

    Are you aware that Nazis targeted more than just Jewish people? They rounded up and killed gay people, Romanis, Slavs, and anyone else who wasn’t part of their chosen in-group.

    So to answer your question: Nazis are most famous for rounding up and killing millions of people whom the Nazis felt were subhuman. They were famous for working to create an ethno-state.

      1 month ago

      They were also famously fascist, had no elections, had a strong security system to squash internal dissent and brooked no protest, none of which apply to Israel.

      I get the appeal of labelling things you oppose as nazis but you can’t just pick and choose what aspects fit and then apply the term nazi, it just makes us look dumb.

      When someone gets banned from a site and complains that site is run by nazis, if we’re using your standard of picking and choosing then that person is as correct as you are as the site is allowing no dissent and removing those who do. But in reality (I pray) we both look at that person and think less of their complaint because of the silliness of their comparison.