So now we’re being forced to have poorer performance and locked into buying more expensive hardware.

I’ll have to pass on this type of crap and vote with my wallet when ray tracing still isn’t there for the majority of pc gamers.

  • inclementimmigrant@lemmy.worldOP
    1 month ago

    I grew up gaming on a 386 when the great divide was CGA, EGA, VGA, and SVGA, that was the first big graphics card war for me and the beginning of the whole, Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia moment, and then the gulf of floppy disks and hard drives, and then CD-Roms and then the the 3d accelerators games. PC gaming has always had point of contention between the whales and have nots but gaming studios had a good track record always made sure to provide plenty of support to those gamers who weren’t whales.

    Forcing ray tracing when you have to have a 1000+ dollar video card to run ray tracing that doesn’t tank your frame rate into completely unplayable territory then ray tracing is not ready for prime time yet and complete shit move on the developers part to mandate it when it’s still untenable for most gamers.

    Nope, this is just complete bullshit to me that’s forcing gamers to have a sub par experience and force them into buying more expensive hardware for no other reason than to satisfy a publisher’s ego to market their game “next gen”.

    Edit: How sad is it that ray tracing was first released in 2018 and we still don’t have the hardware to run them on a rig with moderate hardware.

      1 month ago

      forcing gamers to have a sub par experience

      The game isn’t even out yet and you’re commenting on performance! As someone else pointed out, the modern Doom games have a reputation for being extremely well optimised, so let’s wait and see how it actually performs on a 20 series card

      As for needing a card > $1000 that’s just ridiculous. You can get a 4060 NEW for under 500, and again, the minimum here is a 2060.

      Re: supporting old hardware, again. The minimum is 7 year old hardware. I was also around in the 386 era and to say that devs of that time supported hardware for longer, is at best, wildly exaggerated.

      1 month ago

      Ray tracy can be cheaper for equivalent lighting quality than rasternization. Depending on how they use it, it could be great to have rates and only just like how mega texters work. People got upset about the g p u memory requirements for mega texters , but it was a huge gain in performance if you hit the minimum. Retracing as an effect on top of rasterized ighting is a big hit to performance and the only thing we have now.

      Native real-time ray tracing was released like 20 years ago with ati x1000 series. No one wanted to risk making a retracing only games so it never took on. Rtx is based on using ray tracing as an effect to go on top of rasternized graphics.

      No current games use retracing only, indiana jones uses it for mandatory effects and not as the primary render method.