So now we’re being forced to have poorer performance and locked into buying more expensive hardware.

I’ll have to pass on this type of crap and vote with my wallet when ray tracing still isn’t there for the majority of pc gamers.

  • inclementimmigrant@lemmy.worldOP
    1 month ago

    Maybe the future but I still content that ray tracing is not the present.

    Ray tracing as it currently stands tanks frame rates into sub par gaming experience s unless your on a more expensive card and so many implementations of ray tracing adds so much more noise and artifacts that I just don’t think that ray tracing isn’t there just yet to make it mandatory.

    I mean I recently just bought a 4070 super to finally see what ray tracing is all about and finally have a ‘mid range’ card that could actually do it right and I’ll be honest, I find ray tracing pretty underwhelming. I turned ray tracing off when playing ratchet and clank just recently because there was so much noise and artifacts that the visual quality was just too bad for me and wasn’t worth the big hit to frame rates and many other games suffer the same things I found.

    Plus so many lower end graphics cards are still shipping with 8 GB of vram, which the 5060 will still be at, which has been proven that it’s not sufficient for Ray tracing without dropping visual quality was down.

    So again, I simply don’t think that ray tracing is ready for being required in games yet.

      1 month ago

      Good thing that ray tracing is very rarely required.

      Of course some games are gonna be ahead of others on dropping conventional lightning. That’s just life sometimes.