The Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, chaired by U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), on Thursday marked up a GOP appropriations bill for fiscal year 2024. A Republican fact sheet celebrates proposed “cuts to wasteful spending” and “claw-backs of prior appropriations,” highlighting that it “reins in” the Environmental Protection Agency, “limits abuse of the Endangered Species Act,” and provides protections for the fossil fuel industry.

The GOP proposal would slash appropriations for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). The former provides low-interest loans for infrastructure projects like wastewater facilities while the latter provides assistance for initiatives like improving drinking water treatment and fixing old pipes.

    2 years ago

    Here’s the eleven categories of projects that CWSRF loans can be used for.

    Here’s the six categories of projects that DWSRF loans can be used for. The DWSRF also publishes a periodic Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey that lays out approximate costs for various system sizes, and the distribution of system sizes across communities.

    There is also a lot of overlap; quoting the OP article:

    The [CWSRF] provides low-interest loans for infrastructure projects like wastewater facilities while the [DWSRF] provides assistance for initiatives like improving drinking water treatment and fixing old pipes.

    The CWSRF Environmental Benefits Report from 2014 says:

    • 14,838 Projects Financed
    • To 5,222 Communities

    with one of the highlights being:

    95% of Subsidy Goes to Recipients that Could Not Otherwise Afford the Project

    With the variety of activities they support, and the fact that they are permitting projects that communities could not otherwise afford to engage in, I’d say they’re very valuable.

      2 years ago

      People who make such well sourced and written comments like yours is why i love lemmy/forum style communities.