I think about saboteur a lot. And red faction. Oh volition… Oh pandemic
Lord of the rings: battle for middle earth 2: rise of the witch king
Now that’s a game that doesn’t deserve to languish in inaccessable abandonware hell. The orc worker’s “Work never ends here!” soundbite has lived rent free in my head since the xbox 360 days.
war of the ring mode was so good
Damn i the game knower didn’t even know of this one and it’s an RTS I’m certain i had played basically all of them.
My RTS equivalent would be maelstrom. I think I’m the only person who remembers this ever existed. Still being sold on steam no less
it still has a very active mod community, you should check it out.
Been playing this every day for a few weeks now. Such a good game. Very easy to pirate and mod
Dunno if it’s still popular as it’s about 20 years old, but S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chornobyl. Best experience I ever had in a game. Full of dread and tension.
This deffo has a fair few dedicated fans me included. Most of the stalker fanbase swears by call of pripyat and alot actually only got into stalker via anomaly or gamma. But for me ShoC is and always will be my favourite game in the series.
I remember the Saboteur, it was part of that period where if you bought the game firsthand it came with a 1 time use code unlocking certain content, to deter secondhand purchases. The content for the Saboteur was uncensored titties in the burlesque shows you could visit lmfao.
I’ll bring up Alpha Protocol, the janky secret agent rpg, it wasn’t particularily good, but I remember playing it.
The uncensored titties thing was also a way around censors too in certain countries I believe. Like the base game gets reviewed then the “dlc” is “optional”
Star Trek Elite Force. Weird combo for Star Trek to make a game in the Quake engine, but I love it
I loved the Saboteur they should have made a bunch of them.
I liked all 3 Army of Two games for split screen coop.
Battle realms the Asian themed RTS that’s probably problematic but had so many neat things and quirks.
Another one I can guarantee nobody other than me thinks about. Alpha prime
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
And cryostasis now that is a good game
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Freelancer. Oh what could have been.
Sid Meier’s Pirates! Oh what could have been.
Basically I like ships and the fantasy of being a privateer. But everyone who makes a privateergame fucks it up somehow. These are the only two that have gotten close.
Honourable mention to Armoured Core.
Another game that pops into my mind at time is Rogue Soldier (I think? You were a blue guy with a chip in his neck? It had some neat covershooter mechanics.)
And of course Time Splitters: Future Imperfect.
Rogue trooper, it even got a remaster. For some reason my memory always mixes up rogue troop and army men sarges war idk why
Rogue Trooper is based on a 2000 AD comic (the same comic book Judge Dredd is from in case you didn’t know).
Really like prey (2017). I want to play a dense basically open world game with multiple endings again.
No one has been able to re-create how this game felt. Every attempt at making a new version of this one loses something in the process. Game studios don’t understand that graphics and fluidity aren’t the defining features of a game. The defining features are
- no voicechat
- plasma discing someone mid air during a duel
- jetpacking into an enemy base, stealing their flag, and skiing away
- destroying your enemy’s generators and hiding out in the basement to kill them when they come to repair them
- vibes
Haven’t played this game in nearly 20 years and even then it was considered an old game with only around 3-4 dedicated servers left. Wonder how that’s going nowadays.
Oh shit I played Tribes: Ascend and loved it! Didn’t know there was more to the franchise. I should get back into it.
A quick look later and this game went on for 12 years??? And it got shut down last October?? Goddammit. I loved the movement and the progress when I played it back in '13.
I was into Tribes: Ascend, and feel a lot of fomo about missing out on Tribes 2
Alien vs Predator 2
Chock full of jank. Weird ass Lithtech engine. But the multi-player was so fun.
Still the only “alien” franchise game where you start as a face hugger, lay an egg, and chew your way out of a chest. It’s a delight.
I played this one because the reboot avp didn’t run on my laptop. The reboot is still a gorgeous game for the time it came out in
And I’ve been looking for it everywhere since I lost the CD-ROM for it. No online versions available sadly. The multiplayer was hilarious, marines main weapon had autoaim.
Can’t vouch for it not being malware but I found this http://avpunknown.com/avp2aio/
These 2 beauties ♥
I instantly fell in love with the charming world, the characters, the story, all packaged into those lovely pearls of a game. I almost never play RPGs multiple times but those 2 I’ve played to death and beyond.
I’m sold on the box art alone I may have to give them a play the visuals are quite pretty from what I’ve seen. Reviews seem to lament its not like dragon age origins and as a dedicated hater of dragon age origins i might actually like this one
That depends on why exactly you hate Dragon Age because there are a lot of similarities. And also, if you’re not German I think a lot of the charm might get lost in translation and cultural differences. So maybe you will not get as enchanted by the world as me. But I could be wrong on that of course. Only one way to find out.
As long as it doesn’t have an equivalent of the fade section in origins I’ll at least not hate it and drop it completely. I have a german friend who might be able to translate the references for me unless they’re dropped completely from the English version? From her I learned my new favourite word etepetete
Skip the fade best mod ever
The only frustrating thing is that the first game doesn’t have fast travel. So you have to walk around a lot but there is nothing as dull as the fade, at least there’s nothing that comes to my mind right now.
As for the language, the problem is that it doesn’t really translate to English. It’s not references but just the general vibe that it offers because Germans love to mix in some older German to fantasy settings to convey a more immersive feeling and also you can add more proletarian, vulgar phrases to give the dialogue more colour and character. Scottish is often used in English versions to give it a similar feel but German is quite a bit more elaborate with it.
I’ve never seen this word even once, lol. Is your friend from Northern Germany?
Universe at War: Earth Assault. Maybe the first PC game I bought for myself - I had no idea what system requirements were so it was a little while until I had access to a computer that could run it at all, let alone at a decent speed.
Now that’s a game I forgot about.
Loved this game. I have the xbox 360 version cos my laptop couldn’t run the PC demo at all back then.
Apparently it ran way better on xbox than even modern PCs, let alone PCs at the time. An odd little era of trying to make RTS accessible on console
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. Pretty much the only Real Time Tactical space flotilla command game ever. Hits a spot between Ground Control and Homeworld that I never knew existed.
Oh, also Ground Control, possibly the first really good 3d RTS
Another banger game where killing nazis is fun