A lot of corps just sit on their IP:s and do stuff just this DMCA, because they like to set an example as not to touch their shit. Don’t get your hopes up for remaster.
Yeah we know… I think the issue is more about the insane amount of money Sony is leaving on the table here, and for no reason that anyone has ever been able to figure out.
It’s like the only PS exclusive game that has yet to have a modern remaster. It also has to be the most popular PS exclusive released in the past ~20 years. One amateur modder has shown that it’s very possible, so it’s clearly not about technical hurdles… It just makes no goddamn sense.
So they kind of stole the idea from him? It’s a serious copyright issue
$10 says they just copy his mod code, refactoring & obfuscate it, then sell it as remastered
Why they don’t launch rpsc3 code on ps5 tho?
That’d be a Nintendo reference, yes? Though I think somebody else stole Wine code and was caught. No huge consequences obviously.
Yup, and what the fuck are you gonna do about it (besides give them another $60 for it lol. And I’m talking to myself here too).
yar har fiddle de dee, being a pirate is alright to be, do what you want because a pirate is free…
You’ve got a way to pirate PS5 games and play them without a console?
A lot of corps just sit on their IP:s and do stuff just this DMCA, because they like to set an example as not to touch their shit. Don’t get your hopes up for remaster.
Yeah we know… I think the issue is more about the insane amount of money Sony is leaving on the table here, and for no reason that anyone has ever been able to figure out.
It’s like the only PS exclusive game that has yet to have a modern remaster. It also has to be the most popular PS exclusive released in the past ~20 years. One amateur modder has shown that it’s very possible, so it’s clearly not about technical hurdles… It just makes no goddamn sense.
It makes sense in a way that it incentivises people to go and stay in sony’s walled garden, like all exclusives do.
No, I mean Sony could literally remake it as a PS5 exclusive, and it would single-handedly sell millions of the console.
Like I don’t know if you understand how much money they’re leaving on the table here, even if it remains an exclusive.