Hi all, I’m so confused about what I’m doing wrong and couldn’t find any guides/troubleshooting for my specific problem, so hoping someone here can help.

I’m setting up a new Proxmox server and trying to share a folder between 2 Ubuntu VMs - a “Fileserver” VM running the SMB server and a VM that I will be running docker on (“docker VM”)

my smb.conf on the fileserver:

     read only = no
     browsable = yes

my fstab entry on the VM running docker:

//     /mnt/pool       cifs    _netdev,credentials=/etc/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,gid=1000      0       0

On the Docker VM, I can see that the folder is mounted properly with the correct permissions for the uid/gid specified (dockeruser) and with 755 permissions, but I am unable to write to it with either dockeruser or root. Interestingly, I am able to DELETE files on the share, which is confusing the hell out of me.

If I mount is as root (no uid/gid arguments in fstab), I am able to write to it, but for “best practices” I’d like to get it working with a non-root user. Any ideas?

  • user9314p@lemm.eeOP
    26 days ago

    Here’s a discussion about whether to install on the host vs making a separate VM to serve the files. I don’t know if there’s a right or wrong way to do this, but since I’m running mergerfs/snapraid I figure I’d put it in a VM to keep it separate from Proxmox.

    I ended up getting it to work by checking the permissions on the Samba server. The folders were owned by the right user (uid=1000) but not the right gid (gid=something else). chown’d everything to 1000:1000 and 775 permissions and now everything is functioning as expected. Thanks for the help!