Spending your time “productively” is a capitalist brainwashing tool. They already exploit you in your working hours, five days a week, all day. They came for our off hours with the advent of newer technologies. They came for our third spaces because they implied you were allowed to live your life outside of spending or producing capital. And they’re here, already vying for your small sliver “you” time because that doesn’t churn the gears of this life sucking system.
Fight the fucking system. Do goddamn nothing and enjoy it. Don’t let them guilt you into thinking your life is wasted if you’re not “producing.” Fuck them.
I mean, I should have washed my towels because I ran out of clean towels last night but here we are at bedtime and it’s not been done. That’s got as close to nothing to do with capitalism as it gets but it’s certainly got a lot to do with being productive and it’s something I should have done today but didn’t
So do your hobbies. Why would that ever be something you think I’m railing against? I’m saying, when we do nothing sometimes, it’s a revolutionary act. That obviously does not mean “only ever do nothing.” If you enjoy doing something, do it. I didn’t think that needed to be clarified after an anti-capitalist rant.
Working on my hobbies is fulfilling and makes me happy. If I like painting train models all weekend, who are you to argue against it? Doing nothing is boring and sad.
Jesus, who’s are people possibly taking this to mean “do nothing or else!”
Don’t let the concept of productivity ruin your desire to relax. I’m pretty sure I said your time is yours, don’t let anyone tell you how to not spend it, especially this amorphous concept of “productivity.”
There’s a pandemic of “productivity” and hustle culture, people are turning their entire lives into ways to make more money. That’s way more sad than doing nothing.
That’s a perverse sense of “productivity” then. I like spending my free time getting a lot done, but none of it is a “hustle” or an attempt at making money.
There’s a middle road to be met with this comment. You don’t do productive things for capitalism you do it for your mental health. Also, being productive can mean many things most of which have nothing to do with feeding the machine.
Spending your time “productively” is a capitalist brainwashing tool. They already exploit you in your working hours, five days a week, all day. They came for our off hours with the advent of newer technologies. They came for our third spaces because they implied you were allowed to live your life outside of spending or producing capital. And they’re here, already vying for your small sliver “you” time because that doesn’t churn the gears of this life sucking system.
Fight the fucking system. Do goddamn nothing and enjoy it. Don’t let them guilt you into thinking your life is wasted if you’re not “producing.” Fuck them.
Doing nothing is fine. Spending the day scrolling is… feels bad.
I mean, I should have washed my towels because I ran out of clean towels last night but here we are at bedtime and it’s not been done. That’s got as close to nothing to do with capitalism as it gets but it’s certainly got a lot to do with being productive and it’s something I should have done today but didn’t
My bed sheets are in the dryer still…
There’s obviously things you do for yourself to maintain your life, which are different than what I was talking about.
How many times has your least used towel(s) been used?
I don’t think spending time on my hobbies and interests as unproductive.
So do your hobbies. Why would that ever be something you think I’m railing against? I’m saying, when we do nothing sometimes, it’s a revolutionary act. That obviously does not mean “only ever do nothing.” If you enjoy doing something, do it. I didn’t think that needed to be clarified after an anti-capitalist rant.
Working on my hobbies is fulfilling and makes me happy. If I like painting train models all weekend, who are you to argue against it? Doing nothing is boring and sad.
Jesus, who’s are people possibly taking this to mean “do nothing or else!”
Don’t let the concept of productivity ruin your desire to relax. I’m pretty sure I said your time is yours, don’t let anyone tell you how to not spend it, especially this amorphous concept of “productivity.”
There’s a pandemic of “productivity” and hustle culture, people are turning their entire lives into ways to make more money. That’s way more sad than doing nothing.
That’s a perverse sense of “productivity” then. I like spending my free time getting a lot done, but none of it is a “hustle” or an attempt at making money.
You think I perverted the term “productivity?” That fits very much into my point.
Not you, you brought it up and I agree.
There’s a middle road to be met with this comment. You don’t do productive things for capitalism you do it for your mental health. Also, being productive can mean many things most of which have nothing to do with feeding the machine.