Honestly though the Joan of Arc quote on that page is hilarious to me:
Mais, fussent-ils cent mille Goddem de plus qu’a present, ils n’auront pas ce royaume.
[But even if the Goddams numbered a hundred thousand more than at present, they will not have this kingdom.]
I dunno, just something about putting corrupted English vulgarity in the middle of a French sentence tickles me.
I just hear the guitar brand Godin when I read Goddem.
I’ve only heard the name pronouced once by someone French Canadian, they spell sounds all funny there.
Honestly though the Joan of Arc quote on that page is hilarious to me:
I dunno, just something about putting corrupted English vulgarity in the middle of a French sentence tickles me.
I just hear the guitar brand Godin when I read Goddem. I’ve only heard the name pronouced once by someone French Canadian, they spell sounds all funny there.