Like, stuff like Louis Rossmann, or some Drone hobby youtube channels, or some Amateur Radio youtube channels, or Privacy/Security youtube channels, etc.
Like, sometimes the information is useful, but you get that “Libertarian” vibes that makes you feel unconfortable. Like you looks in Louis Rossmann’s comment section and they’re like “OMG Wouldn’t it be funny if trump appointed Louis Rossman as the chair of the FTC?” 🙄 wtf, its like one of the top 5 comments.
Edit: I mean, Louis Rossmann is just one example, that’s not the focol point of this question. If you look around youtube, you see a lot of people that seems normal, then the longer you watch, the more uncomfortable it gets. Rossmann is pretty tame on the political spectrum, there are some that are even more unconfortable, and I’m not gonna start listing my entire list of channels I watch. Its just the “Tech” youtubers seemingly lean right.
Curious, wy would you think Louis Rossmann is on the right of the spectrum? He actively advocates for consumer protection
The YouTube comments is a different story and you’re going to have trash wherever you go …
Rossmann is for consumer protection laws because he benefits from them directly. This man also moved his repair shop multiple states away just to pay less taxes.
I don’t know why you’d get that vibe from Rossman like the other commenter said. Only watched a few of his videos but his politics just seem to be “stop fucking over consumers”. Right wing my ass.
Given these times it’s hard to parse what is “supported” versus “encouraged”… at this point if you have someone not actively pushing back against nazis it’s suspect. Shit is getting back and white. So it’s not weird to see a bunch of comments think twice…