Here in the Netherlands they accuse people of being a ‘deugmens’ which literally translates as being a ‘virtuehuman’, a human with virtues. Except for possible pretentiousness, having virtues is hardly a bad thing, quite the opposite. Being politically correct has negative connotations, but most of the time it’s very easy to explain why something is politically incorrect, because the incorrect route has often proven in the past to be disastrous. People used to talk about ‘political correctness gone mad’ but now very often any political correctness is deemed bad. Woke is considered by some to be one of the worst insults you can get, but waking up and seeing that there is terrible inequity in this world, seeing that we are very whatever-centric in our thoughts/actions and questioning all that, is hardly a bad thing. Now the question is, do we need to reappropriate these words, reclaim and reframe them, or should we ignore them and move beyond them because people have been so deeply conditioned with ‘woke=bad’ no questions asked.
In Germany the derogatory term used is “Gutmensch”, good human.
It’s the narrative the right has created, and you can see it in those terms. The narrative is of course that people on the left pretend to be full of virtue and good but in reality are dreamers full of idoologies that can’t survive in the real world. That and not beeing able to practice what one preaches (like still using airplanes while advocating for a more sustainable lifestyle) are part of what they have constructed “woke people” to mean for them, as far as I understand it at least.
Maybe I’m drawing a connection that isn’t there, but I equate this with the behaviour in some circles of being suspicious of people who don’t partake in drugs, drinking, corruption, debauchery, etc. It’s kind of like you can’t trust people unless they have some vice, or at least an “edge” to them.
But maybe this behaviour is not related to this “deugmens” or “gutmensch” labeling.
I suspect a lot of derogatory terms across many cultures/languages are generally rooted in sarcasm. Pointing out the irony/oxymoron in the term just makes them feel/act even more self-righteous.
I’ve always had a suspicion that so many simple things that trigger the right, like wearing a mask during a pandemic, do so because they are simple nice things you can do and every time they see someone doing it, they inherently know they are bad - and so they want to force others to stop being nice so they don’t have to face that reality anymore.
Conservatives have been taught to follow the leaders in their environment, without questions (see religion)
It gives their leaders a lot of power and thus, there is a lot of incentives to become a leader through whatever means possible. It gives leaders power and influence.
So comes along an issue and a non-conservative authority tells people they should do X. Conservatives leaders want more power and they hinge on that thing to gain more visibility and thus more power.
The other conservatives see that their leader is against, and so they take their leaders stance without question and hate that thing too.
Conservatives leader will say whatever they can without really really caring if that is true or not (remind you of someone?)
It is a lot easier to rile up people with negative emotions and tribalism, so the conservative leaders use hate and fear to further their strength and influence.
Gutmensch in German usually refers to people who try to appear good and make decisions they feel are good without questioning if the side effects are harmful. Also they expect others to do the same without regard for their ability to do so (e.g. I manage to avoid plastic bags, so you must too. Which is at least somewhat reasonable. But I manage to live without a car so you must too is difficult for some part of the rural population.)
We need cars because the railways were deemed not profitable. We need cars because investment in busses is often very limited (depending on where you live). We need cars because village markets are dying and we then have to go to the supermarket the town over.
We need cars because of the capitalist atomisation of society.
And even then, the vast majority of our trips are very short (< 40’ round trip’). The car we need the most is a very small, kinda lowtech electric one. But those don’t exist as much…
In our 750 people village, I think we’d need about 1 car for every 3 to 5 families and 3 trucks.
TL;DR: Rural people need cars. But we don’t need big ones for most of our usage. We need better public transportation. Personal car ownership is dumb and wasteful.
I also live in rural France, and agree. People with giant SUVs are becoming a huge problem where I live. Every day I see countless older people whose kids no longer live with them driving these gas-guzzling monstrosities to the supermarket. Often they have the same amount of seats as a sedan, yet they take up waaay more space in the parking lot. Just why? I don’t get it.
Because bigger car = bigger margins for the manufacturer. I guess it’s a status symbol too?
Also some environmental legislations have amendments for bigger vehicles. It seems that it was easier to make bigger cars than to make explosion motors more efficient (which is technically true).
A part of it was that to make ice engines more efficient, they got more complicated, which made them heavier. Weight and efficiency standards are looser on larger categories of vehicle, and consumers typically like more space and perceive them as safer.
So you sell more of them and it’s easier to keep pace with the regulations.
My last vehicle switch was from a hatchback to a compact SUV. New car weighs twice as much as the old one, but also gets significantly higher fuel efficiency.
I took a trip through Europe in the early 00’s. We rented a large sedan. 5 Americans and luggage. Our intent was to drive through as many open countries as we reasonably could. After about a hour on the road, we had to get a second car. We were simply too fat to have 5 people in what was locally considered a full-sized car.
In the US we would have got an SUV and been able to sit without touching each other.
But our situation was A. Not Normal and B. Brought on by our own live decisions. There is a bit of a Why there though.
Here in the Netherlands they accuse people of being a ‘deugmens’ which literally translates as being a ‘virtuehuman’, a human with virtues. Except for possible pretentiousness, having virtues is hardly a bad thing, quite the opposite. Being politically correct has negative connotations, but most of the time it’s very easy to explain why something is politically incorrect, because the incorrect route has often proven in the past to be disastrous. People used to talk about ‘political correctness gone mad’ but now very often any political correctness is deemed bad. Woke is considered by some to be one of the worst insults you can get, but waking up and seeing that there is terrible inequity in this world, seeing that we are very whatever-centric in our thoughts/actions and questioning all that, is hardly a bad thing. Now the question is, do we need to reappropriate these words, reclaim and reframe them, or should we ignore them and move beyond them because people have been so deeply conditioned with ‘woke=bad’ no questions asked.
Well said. The people that have been clamoring “wake up sheeple” are now mad that people are “woke”.
In Germany the derogatory term used is “Gutmensch”, good human.
It’s the narrative the right has created, and you can see it in those terms. The narrative is of course that people on the left pretend to be full of virtue and good but in reality are dreamers full of idoologies that can’t survive in the real world. That and not beeing able to practice what one preaches (like still using airplanes while advocating for a more sustainable lifestyle) are part of what they have constructed “woke people” to mean for them, as far as I understand it at least.
Maybe I’m drawing a connection that isn’t there, but I equate this with the behaviour in some circles of being suspicious of people who don’t partake in drugs, drinking, corruption, debauchery, etc. It’s kind of like you can’t trust people unless they have some vice, or at least an “edge” to them.
But maybe this behaviour is not related to this “deugmens” or “gutmensch” labeling.
I suspect a lot of derogatory terms across many cultures/languages are generally rooted in sarcasm. Pointing out the irony/oxymoron in the term just makes them feel/act even more self-righteous.
I’ve always had a suspicion that so many simple things that trigger the right, like wearing a mask during a pandemic, do so because they are simple nice things you can do and every time they see someone doing it, they inherently know they are bad - and so they want to force others to stop being nice so they don’t have to face that reality anymore.
This is my uneducated take :
Conservatives have been taught to follow the leaders in their environment, without questions (see religion)
It gives their leaders a lot of power and thus, there is a lot of incentives to become a leader through whatever means possible. It gives leaders power and influence.
So comes along an issue and a non-conservative authority tells people they should do X. Conservatives leaders want more power and they hinge on that thing to gain more visibility and thus more power.
The other conservatives see that their leader is against, and so they take their leaders stance without question and hate that thing too.
Conservatives leader will say whatever they can without really really caring if that is true or not (remind you of someone?)
It is a lot easier to rile up people with negative emotions and tribalism, so the conservative leaders use hate and fear to further their strength and influence.
Gutmensch in German usually refers to people who try to appear good and make decisions they feel are good without questioning if the side effects are harmful. Also they expect others to do the same without regard for their ability to do so (e.g. I manage to avoid plastic bags, so you must too. Which is at least somewhat reasonable. But I manage to live without a car so you must too is difficult for some part of the rural population.)
I live in buttfuck nowhere - France.
We need cars because the railways were deemed not profitable. We need cars because investment in busses is often very limited (depending on where you live). We need cars because village markets are dying and we then have to go to the supermarket the town over.
We need cars because of the capitalist atomisation of society.
And even then, the vast majority of our trips are very short (< 40’ round trip’). The car we need the most is a very small, kinda lowtech electric one. But those don’t exist as much…
In our 750 people village, I think we’d need about 1 car for every 3 to 5 families and 3 trucks.
TL;DR: Rural people need cars. But we don’t need big ones for most of our usage. We need better public transportation. Personal car ownership is dumb and wasteful.
I also live in rural France, and agree. People with giant SUVs are becoming a huge problem where I live. Every day I see countless older people whose kids no longer live with them driving these gas-guzzling monstrosities to the supermarket. Often they have the same amount of seats as a sedan, yet they take up waaay more space in the parking lot. Just why? I don’t get it.
Because bigger car = bigger margins for the manufacturer. I guess it’s a status symbol too?
Also some environmental legislations have amendments for bigger vehicles. It seems that it was easier to make bigger cars than to make explosion motors more efficient (which is technically true).
I find all of that pretty dumb.
A part of it was that to make ice engines more efficient, they got more complicated, which made them heavier. Weight and efficiency standards are looser on larger categories of vehicle, and consumers typically like more space and perceive them as safer.
So you sell more of them and it’s easier to keep pace with the regulations.
My last vehicle switch was from a hatchback to a compact SUV. New car weighs twice as much as the old one, but also gets significantly higher fuel efficiency.
I took a trip through Europe in the early 00’s. We rented a large sedan. 5 Americans and luggage. Our intent was to drive through as many open countries as we reasonably could. After about a hour on the road, we had to get a second car. We were simply too fat to have 5 people in what was locally considered a full-sized car.
In the US we would have got an SUV and been able to sit without touching each other.
But our situation was A. Not Normal and B. Brought on by our own live decisions. There is a bit of a Why there though.