A classic by Fil (famous Berlin comic book artist), boiled down by me (it’s originally a whole page, so I cut some stuff out, changed some things around and did some mild recoloring).

Translation (it’s all in a very thick Berlin accent):

Didi: Stulle, know what I ask myself every now and then?
Stulle: Guess you’re about to tell me, Didi.

Didi: Sometimes I ask myself: Who are we? Where do we come from? And where are we going?

Stulle: We’re Didi and Stulle. We’re from Berlin’s March district. And we’re walking to the 127 bus stop.

Didi: Could you repeat that, but this time a tad slower? I have to write this down.

  • Apepollo11@lemmy.world
    11 days ago

    Phew! It’s been nearly 30 years since my last German lesson, but I thought I should have been able to read more than I could.

    It wasn’t until the last panel, where I noticed “Ich” spelled “Ick” that I wondered whether it was written with an accent.

    Thanks for the translation!