So, I know this isn’t a help forum or anything but, being Lemmy I’d think some people are on the same boat as me too.

I got permanently Banned in reddit for vote manipulation, I foolishly and childishly used 2 accounts to up vote myself to make it seem I was winning arguments. I then created a new account to start fresh but I didn’t know that counted as a Ban Evasion(I didn’t know ban Evasion was a thing), but that got banned too.

I’ve appealed by apologizing since I am guilty and genuinely sorry , however I’m not a spambot or anything. I made a mistake and just want a second chance.

Is there anything else I can do to start fresh “safely”? (factory reset my android device? I Can’t change my external IP tho) Has anyone been on a similar situation and gotten their account reinstated?

Being honest I like Lemmy but it’s nowhere near as populated as Reddit, sadly

    26 days ago

    only way is to use a new device and IP adress, any old and new acc on the same device or ip will result in a immediate ban(after you comment for the first time). also posting in a sub you were banned it will get you banned, since they can detect similarities(of how you posted, voted,commente din the first place). continued usage with the same methods of creating accs will get you shadowbanned overtime. weve been there before, i was banned from askreddit in an old account for trying to point out a star trek actor for acting like “ellen degeneres”(she wanted the series to center around her). accidentally used an account on the same sub, and got banned whole acc(they dint target all my accs though).

    or you can try using a new device/or different browser on a library wifi, or computer.

    other than that there are more sophisticated ways, you will have to spend money, but these are usually for people like OF mode/s accs that need multitudes of accounts to promote and earn money. (anti-detect browsers, fingerprint spoofing, proxies, new devices, buying accounts). so its unwise and waste of money if you are just commenting and scrolling through reddit.

    did you try appealing your original banned account? sometimes they might unban it if you can “grovel”, but any of your new accounts will not be appealed though. additionally reddit has been going hard on banning this month alone.