Occam’s Razor: They are known for being more dangerous because they are more dangerous.
EDIT: So. Many. Downvotes. But not a single comment refuting the statistics with facts and evidence… You’re not flat-earthers, right? So don’t act like them. Use your brain, not your feeeelings! I love dogs. All dogs. And yeah, if my dog was a Pittie, I would be defensive too, but I would also be honest that people need to take extra precautions…
Because their stereotype can attract shitty owners who want a badass dog but can’t be assed to train or care for them.
Or they literally abuse, possibly even with dogfights, and abandon them.
Occam’s Razor: They are known for being more dangerous because they are more dangerous.
EDIT: So. Many. Downvotes. But not a single comment refuting the statistics with facts and evidence… You’re not flat-earthers, right? So don’t act like them. Use your brain, not your feeeelings! I love dogs. All dogs. And yeah, if my dog was a Pittie, I would be defensive too, but I would also be honest that people need to take extra precautions…