Just saw the post of some dude who said all Germans are racist because they don’t have black people.

People like this just make me cringe. I also know some people who say they will only date a specific ethnicity like only white or only Asian people and I think it’s very weird.

I wonder where this movement started where people overly obsess about this. Can’t we already just treat people for who they are/their personality and not judge them by their skin color and also not prefer some ethnicities over others?

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    I never understood why the N word is racist because of history, but then being black makes it fine to say


    I have the complexion of a brand new piece of printer paper, one of my friends who legit could have gotten a job as a Wesley Snipes impersonator constantly called me the n word. He called all his friends that, and eventually I used it in the same context he had towards me for like the 50th time that day without me even realize I was saying it.

    It wasn’t a big deal, but it’s not like that magically gave me permission to say it anywhere at anytime.

    I mean, it’s 2025 man, there’s white people all over who have been saying the n word. The context is what matters. I just don’t get how someone could think it’s a (pun intended) black and white issue.

    Hell, the most popular rapper in America has been publicly complaining about how another black rapper says the n word. Flat out saying that it’s not a race thing it’s a culture thing. It was literally the outro to one of the biggest diss tracks of the biggest beefs in modern rap era.
