
I was used to switching between laptop speakers and Bluetooth speaker on the normal audio menu.

But one day, I needed to use a TV’s speakers through HDMI, and couldn’t find it, so I initially thought it was a driver issue, but never found a fix, so I had to use a friend’s Windows laptop at the last minute because people were waiting to watch something.

Today, months later, I have the same issue, but on a different laptop with more recent hardware, so I was hoping to have better luck, and I didn’t… Until I accidentaly notice that the HDMI device is available under a submenu of the laptop’s speakers, WTF ?

Attached to this post is a screenshot showing a Bluetooth speaker, the laptop’s speakers and HDMI speakers. Why isn’t the latter available at the same location as the former two ?

The submenu could be kept for selecting between 2.0/5.1/7.1, just like for Bluetooth devices it’s used to select between aptX/LDAC/SBC, but I don’t understand what’s a whole different device doing in that submenu of the laptop’s speakers.


  • SoulKaribou@lemmy.ml
    7 days ago

    I feel you bro: switching gaming headset to regular HDMI output is a pain in the ass every time.

    More details: I have nari ultimate headset, with 2 channels, one for chat, one for games. I only use it TI game with friends, rest of the time I use HDMI regular output. I use discord on Firefox.

    Here it comes: im watching YouTube with the HDMI output. Then, gaming time, log on discord (web) in Firefox, turn on headset. Wrong ! My friends can hear me, but I can’t. No matter what I click in this applet that you screenshoted, Firefox always defaults to the HDMI output. The workaround: I need to turn on headset first, then open firefox. Then it works.

    So it’s like firefox doesn’t know that the headset is on. Like it cannot detect it, or doesn’t process the notification or something. Maybe wrong dbus message ?

    • IceFoxX@lemm.ee
      7 days ago

      In the picture of the OP you can see the tabs Devices / Applications at the top. If you have changed the device, you may also have to change the active playback stream on the device under Applications.