This has only started recently, less than a week. My battery is just getting its ass kicked.
My day to day is work, on WiFi, always full barrs Sunday - Sunday. I stopped spectrum mobile from gps location yada yada but it doesn’t do anything or help.
Can you not? Is that an android thing or an America thing?
It’s bloatware, so probably American. I would know, I avoid those shitass bloated phones like the plague. Sometimes I’ll install a custom ROM to get rid of other shit, too
Its an Android thing. Carriers pay OEMs to install bloatware and spyware on the system partition, where it can’t be removed. Apple simply doesn’t allow it.
Its easy enough to avoid by not buying from the carrier but sometimes the carrier will also sell you them for dirt cheap and with payment plans. Also the OEMs themselves will install their own invasive bloatware.
Carriers also has the final say on your update, and they are the ones signing it.
Updates go from: Google —> OEM —> Carrier. Extra delay for critical patches for security vulnerbilities. Hackers are very happy about this