In popular anime and Japanese games there are dozens of characters that are gender neutral, open cross dressers, transgender, etc. Some anime have characters that are specifically made to be gender neutral, as a part of the plot.
Individuals don’t care that much, it’s just that the culture in and of itself is a bit conservative. So long term/permanent changes take a long time to implement, specially when it comes to things like the constition and federal laws. To further illustrate: Some companies still use floppy disks…
As an example:
Felix Argyle - A male charcter in a fairly popular anime(In Japan and internationally), which dresses and acts feminine but is fully open about being male if you ask. It’s just that most people in the show don’t ask.
They did have an open transgender character.
They also had Zelda crossdressing to get into that “women only” town in BotW.
In popular anime and Japanese games there are dozens of characters that are gender neutral, open cross dressers, transgender, etc. Some anime have characters that are specifically made to be gender neutral, as a part of the plot.
Individuals don’t care that much, it’s just that the culture in and of itself is a bit conservative. So long term/permanent changes take a long time to implement, specially when it comes to things like the constition and federal laws. To further illustrate: Some companies still use floppy disks…
As an example:
Felix Argyle - A male charcter in a fairly popular anime(In Japan and internationally), which dresses and acts feminine but is fully open about being male if you ask. It’s just that most people in the show don’t ask.