Anyone else struggling to avoid Amazon because of the price of some things? I need 3M Tegaderm for example and on Amazon it cost 28€ for 10cm by 10m roll and on other sites that are not Amazon I can only find it for pretty much double the price ( has it for 58,40€ and has it for 49,60€ Stuff like this really makes it difficult.

Anyone know where I can find this as cheap as on Amazon or at least not much more expensive?

    16 days ago

    Yeah, last time I was in a place under those same circumstances I was surprised at just how competent their local big online retailer was. It really did most of the same things Western Europeans and North Americans think only Amazon could do. Same day delivery in major cities, free delivery, no-questions-asked returns, the whole deal.

    It was a remarkable confirmation that Amazon isn’t deploying some secret sauce. Their model is entirely replicable, they’re just so big that any local retailer doing the same thing is just crushed before they can compete.

    You don’t fix that with a soft boycott.