Looking for suggestions for decent Canadian politics podcasts. Currently I’ve only found the House and The Backbench are good on the regular - but discoverability is a challenge with most podcast lists dominated by American content.
I used to listen to CBC’s At Issue with Rosemary Barton until I ran behind my list and had to unsubscribe a large chunk of them.
Now, I’m just behind by 4 months worth of episodesCBC’s ideas: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas
It isn’t always about politics, and when it is it’s usually wider reaching things in retrospect or debates with intelligent people, but it’s quintessentially Canadian and always interesting and educational.
The Breach, Bubble Pop with Rachel Gilmore, The Hatchet, Tech Won’t Save Us (Canadian host, tech focused), Spacing Radio.
One of the hosts on It Won’t Happen Here is Canadian too.
Steve Boots has some good content but can occasionally be whiny and rude imho.
Love Steve Boots. To me, he is “spicy” and non-apologetic.