Only fanboys. The same kind that worship Musk or any other fellated-by-the-press CEO as some kind of hero. They softball any criticisms and turn them into positives - “He murdered a bunch of kids, but the creativity he got from the blood splatter and time spent in court-ordered community service got us this addictive device we’re all fawning over…let’s justify the ridiculous price and wait in line for one!” Something about objectively shitty people heading up organizations seems to attract sycophants and bootlickers.
Only fanboys. The same kind that worship Musk or any other fellated-by-the-press CEO as some kind of hero. They softball any criticisms and turn them into positives - “He murdered a bunch of kids, but the creativity he got from the blood splatter and time spent in court-ordered community service got us this addictive device we’re all fawning over…let’s justify the ridiculous price and wait in line for one!” Something about objectively shitty people heading up organizations seems to attract sycophants and bootlickers.