I usually whisper, “I’ll flip every table in this joint if you don’t take my card, including the one with that child at it”, and while it has a 100% success rate, I can’t help but feel terrible about it, later. What are some alternatives?

  • Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
    2 years ago


    This and the latest round of “oh mah gawdz, the bill is 4600. How do you split it” is just an indication that people don’t freaking talk to each other.

    if I am out to dinner with a buddy that I know is struggling? I’ll offer to grab dinner if they grab drinks another night. And if they want to pay for their meal instead, I let them. Because I respect my friends enough to let them live/ruin their own lives. I’ll offer help, but I won’t force it. And I similarly won’t be taking them to a restaurant that will break the bank so that they don’t feel obligated to nurse a salad the entire night.

    And if they aren’t struggling? We ask the waiter to split the bill. If that is not an option, we use venmo/whatever to reimburse whoever covers the bill. Or, again, we just alternate.