It’s up to you what to do with that info, but you likely can avoid giving some of these companies your money. I get that everything uses Cloudflare and that an average person might not be able to avoid using some companies’ products or services, but people can and maybe should vote with their dollar more often.
At the very least even if you do take a defeatist, apathetic attitude as you seem to be taking, it’s sort of interesting to see which companies still haven’t pulled out and to consider why certain segments are still sticking around.
But also yes, sell that piece of shit Mazda and get a better car. As for Lacoste, I didn’t even know that brand survived past 2008.
Never did. We’re just living in the ‘find out’ era, luckily for the people responsible; they were right… Most of them died before they could see the problems they were creating.
Until the good decide to drop the moral high ground and get ugly, the greedy will continue to crush humanity under the epic weight of their cruelty and indifference.
Selling my Mazda, deleting my league account, burning my Lacoste clothes, and not using any online service that uses cloudflare
Honestly this is interesting but realistically what do you do with this info?
It’s up to you what to do with that info, but you likely can avoid giving some of these companies your money. I get that everything uses Cloudflare and that an average person might not be able to avoid using some companies’ products or services, but people can and maybe should vote with their dollar more often.
At the very least even if you do take a defeatist, apathetic attitude as you seem to be taking, it’s sort of interesting to see which companies still haven’t pulled out and to consider why certain segments are still sticking around.
But also yes, sell that piece of shit Mazda and get a better car. As for Lacoste, I didn’t even know that brand survived past 2008.
Never did. We’re just living in the ‘find out’ era, luckily for the people responsible; they were right… Most of them died before they could see the problems they were creating.
Until the good decide to drop the moral high ground and get ugly, the greedy will continue to crush humanity under the epic weight of their cruelty and indifference.