Was this AI trained on an unbalanced data set? (Only black folks?) Or has it only been used to identify photos of black people? I have so many questions: some technical, some on media sensationalism
Was this AI trained on an unbalanced data set? (Only black folks?) Or has it only been used to identify photos of black people? I have so many questions: some technical, some on media sensationalism
I always wonder if the people that are so hard against systemic/structural racism are really thinking that they are being oppressed if someone tries to address that or if they are fully aware of the advantages they have just because they are born with the “right” skincolor in the right neighbourhoods and are against it for purely egoistic reasons because they don’t want to lose that advantage
I’m used to saying follow the money, but this time, try following the thought process. Maybe sub in less offensive and bigoted ideas, though, for the sake of your mental health.
You hear an issue brought up on the only news channel that will tell it to you straight. Foreign SF commandos are going undercover in our schools’ dressing rooms to steal slaves for satanic rituals used to summon evil aliens or something, right? Naturally you have a strong reaction. The next time that issue comes up, it is delivered with a more realistic framing by an entirely different party - say, people trying to stop violence against trans populations - but that’s not how you heard the story, and now it sounds like these people are apologizing for the evil aliens compared to what you’ve heard!
Or, you have a small problem. You’re from a small post-industrial town and everyone is dying because the corporations exploited your community, before shipping the jobs to practical slaves overseas and leaving behind the local labor/economy. Now everyone among your friends and family has high cancer rates and is dying in their 40s. Something can’t be right. There has to be another way… but you’ve never heard of it, and you can picture it clearly on your own. This is capitalist realism - the inability to imagine beyond the current configuration. In your mental turmoil you stumble upon a meme or a soundbite: You criticize capitalism, and yet you exist in it - funny! Not funny at all, but how do you even come back against something that dense? Well you don’t really have any ideas because all you’ve ever known capitalism, and it sounds like a great thing, so critics of it must be dumb. Now whenever people critique capitalism, the words pop in your head: “Yet you exist in it!” The gotcha trigger has been programmed in your mind.
This kind of programming is omnipresent in our society - it’s ancient, yet honed in modernity.
Sometimes people buy into the platform 100% and start to be able to read in-between the lines. They learn to dog-whistle all on their own for the sake of the tribalist narrative. They are the vanguard, making these ideas more visible and approachable. These are the ones that go straight from ‘ban trans athletes just because athlete thing,’ and then once trans athletes are banned they move on to making identifying as trans in school illegal without a moment of hesitation, and after that proceed straight to making it a crime just to exist as a trans adult. These people don’t care about the athletics, just like they don’t care about children when they push pro-corporate/anti-privacy legislation. They were driven by fear to normalize the party line, until the party line overpowered the fear. The pressure for this usually comes from friends, family, coworkers, social media, and one-way media choices.
The next level are the pro/semi-pro influencers that receive training (originally lobbyists but now they lobby more than just politicians!) to support astroturf movements. They usually don’t care what they’re asked to say because they get spoiled to do so. The funding and planning of these activities are often done by think tanks, and the think tanks are often a link directly to the oligarch ring leaders. (If you aren’t at least being flown around and wined and dined by ‘handlers’ then you’re just an entry level chump in the big picture.)
Both and/or either?
It’s a complex and deep topic that is also inextricably intertwined with capitalism and other oppressive systems, so giving an in depth answer would take more brain power than I currently have available lol (I have tried, but I keep going off on tangents and getting tangled up in explanations), but I think this quote is quite relevant, so I might leave it at that:
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” -Lyndon B. Johnson