Playing on my PinePhone Pro on ArchLinux using Backbone One controller. Some missions are super hard because the game does not have any aim heper for gamepads. The game runs mostly smooth, but sometimes I experience small yet noticeable FPS drops depending on the weather and time of day.

  • Hot
    2 years ago

    That’s dope as hell, and my personal favorite of the 3D GTAs. I still remember the general layout of the city without looking at a map, over twenty years later. I actually probably put more time into this game than any of the follow ups.

    My friends and I used to look for little pieces of the map that would send our cars flying and spinning, because that kind of stuff racked up “points” that paid out as cash money to spend in the game. Endless hours just driving as fast as possible and trying to flip the car in the air as many times as possible.

    It was such a pioneer for the series, going from 2D to 3D, one of the best transitions ever made for that type of game. Up there with Mario 64 in terms of success of translation of key elements of gameplay from one type of media to the next.

    I’ve been wanting a PinePhone for a while for experimenting with, and I keep seeing super cool stuff like this being done with them!