Available on iOS

  • RheingoldRiver@kbin.social
    2 years ago

    If I HAD to estimate, I would say it’ll be about 6-8 weeks until the API is fully merged. So closeish to 2-3 months. But, I really don’t want to estimate.

    I doubt it will be less than 2 weeks. But it could be as short as 2-3 weeks.

    The API is being written & tested (as in unit tests written) & reviewed (as in code review) ENTIRELY by volunteers, and the important thing is that it works, and is secure. So it will take how long it takes.

    Source: Am reading every ticket & about 90% of comments that get contributed to the kbin repo, but not super active in the Matrix chat atm

    • shepherd@kbin.social
      2 years ago

      Sure! I made an artemis.camp account account lol.

      When I’m lounging, I’ve been opening up kbin.social first always, and when the content runs out I rotate between youtube / instagram / reddit. I’ll try out kbin -> artemis -> other for a bit, to give it a solid chance!