Notice there is only 1 full headline (from /r/NoStupidQuestions) visible, it doesn’t even show the full post. There are 3 of those “trending” boxes but only 2 of those even fit their headlines because they are like 3 words long, they cut off anything longer including the description

I originally became addicted to Reddit because of how streamlined it was to skim dozens of headlines and pick from lots of content, seems they have decided content is not something they want to provide anymore :/

    2 years ago

    Mandatory Website Obesity Crisis mention, TL;DR:

    Some kind of brain parasite infected designers back when the iPad came out, and they haven’t recovered. Everything now has to look like a touchscreen.

    My gripe with this design aesthetic is the loss of information density. I’m an adult human being sitting at a large display, with a mouse and keyboard. I deserve better. Not every interface should be designed for someone surfing the web from their toilet.

    It’s like we woke up one morning in 2008 to find that our Lego had all turned to Duplo. Sites that used to show useful data now look like cartoons. Interface elements are big and chunky. Any hint of complexity has been pushed deep into some sub-hamburger. Sites target novice users on touchscreens at everyone else’s expense.

    I shouldn’t need sled dogs and pemmican to navigate your visual design.