• Vampiric_Luma@lemmy.ca
    2 years ago

    That person behind her could be her partner or friend, we don’t know. I’d imagine in that case they may feel a little stressed, but breaking that stress would be good imo. Why let a line-up bother you? Theres 3 more lines to choose from with hers being the longest. It’s also confirmed not spilling out if you observe the image.

    There’s a possibility she’s being inconsiderate, but there’s a bigger possibility she’s fine based on visual evidence over reddit rhetoric.

    • YoFrodo@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      In the context of the meme shes holding up a line and people are bothered by it. It takes little effort to progress through a queue instead of causing an issue for others just because you can.

      • jarfil@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        It only takes little effort now, because she’s skipped 5 cycles of picking up her bags, progressing a couple feet, setting them back down.

      • Vampiric_Luma@lemmy.ca
        2 years ago

        We don’t know if anyone is bothered by it except whoever posted it to the reddit and everyone here imagining a ton of people behind her. The photo might not even be owned by the OP. If someone has evidence of the contrary I’d change my mind, but otherwise there’s 0 reason to be triggered by this.

    • Laticauda@lemmy.ca
      2 years ago

      The person who took the picture is presumably the one who wrote the caption, so unless they’d call their partner or their friends “this girl”, we do in fact know that isn’t the case.

      Since this is an airport those lines are likely for different services, not just 3 options for the same service.

      If something you’re doing is annoying an entire group of people around you and they’re all asking you to stop, then 9 times out of 10 what you’re doing is inconsiderate. There’s no good reason to just stand there ignoring everyone else instead of moving with the line and conserving space other than because you only care about how you personally feel on principle and your desire to die on a really stupid hill.

      If her choice just affected her then that’d be one thing, but she’s forcing her choice on everyone in line behind her regardless of whether they want to keep moving or not. If she wants to stand in place and wait so badly then she can ask someone in front or behind her to remember her place in line and let her back in later (most people are willing to agree to this if asked politely), then she can stand off to the side until her spot gets to the front, and go back to where she was once it’s her turn, then everyone gets what they want.

      • jarfil@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        The person who took the picture is presumably the one who wrote the caption, so unless they’d call their partner or their friends “this girl”, we do in fact know that isn’t the case.

        Social media and “like” counts make that statement invalid.

      • TheActualDevil@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        If she wants to stand in place and wait so badly then she can ask someone in front or behind her to remember her place in line and let her back in later (most people are willing to agree to this if asked politely), then she can stand off to the side until her spot gets to the front, and go back to where she was once it’s her turn, then everyone gets what they want.

        We can all do that! Just remember what order we were in and stand off to the side until our turn in order comes up. Though, to make sure no one gets in other’s way when it’s our turn, we should stand off to the side in order of who’s place in line is first. Then we can all just stand off out of the way, all queued up!

        Wait… what’s that? You’re saying I just made a whole other line in a different spot in a less efficient layout and not the area selected by the airport as closest to our destination? And this person’s “system” only works because she’s the only one doing it and she thinks that she’s figured out a cheat-code for life, but is actually an asshole?

        Society would break down if everyone just did the thing that was best just for them with no credence given to anyone else. The only reason she’s able to get away with doing this kind of thing is because everyone else cares more about moving on with their life and the established systems moving forward rather than grinding them to a halt to get her on board. It doesn’t make her more logical. It makes her more selfish.

      • Vampiric_Luma@lemmy.ca
        2 years ago

        You can say and do literally anything online. I’d need empirical proof, like the actual OP posting photos with the girl more or something substantial. Not a fucking twitter/X reply to a screenshot of a reddit post from a rage-bait farm.

        Until then, this is a hypothetical situation. But in this hypothetical situation, we know there is at least one person behind her. We can estimate there’s at least not enough people to spill into the main area based on the remaining space in the photo showing the last section of the line empty. We gather that data based on a reliable presumption that the neighboring line-ups are fairly identical. At most, anyone behind her is feeling the mad breakdown of societal rules stripping away and beind made fun of in the actual post.

        The only context I’m missing is airport procedure, it’s been awhile. I don’t know if one must line up at a specific line for departure check-in.

        If she was actually causing problems and being snarky about it, I’d be on that drama. I just don’t see the evidence for being mad, especially for people feeling a little anxious over something that’s probably relieving her of anxiety. Fuck lines and chill out until it’s time. Moving will not change the fact you have to wait.