I think I’m still in kinda disbelief that that happened. Like, maybe don’t take me too seriously, but the true sign that the world is going to shit was right there with The Force Awakens. When Star Wars devolved to a totally fluffed up cash grab that we all ate up, that was the sign that we’d lost the plot.
Jedi and Empire were written specifically around driving toy sales. And the reason we waited for 20 years for the prequels was because Lucas wanted the toy contracts to run out so he could get a bigger slice. Story took a back seat to merchandise from the very beginning. The man practically invented selling out.
I’ll start: The Stars Wars postlogy was such a disastrous cash grab that it doesn’t exist in my head cannon.
This whole thing was a mess.
I think I’m still in kinda disbelief that that happened. Like, maybe don’t take me too seriously, but the true sign that the world is going to shit was right there with The Force Awakens. When Star Wars devolved to a totally fluffed up cash grab that we all ate up, that was the sign that we’d lost the plot.
Star Wars started as a cash grab, you were just too young to notice
I mean sure, in a “Hooker with a Penis” everyone has sold out kinda way.
Jedi and Empire were written specifically around driving toy sales. And the reason we waited for 20 years for the prequels was because Lucas wanted the toy contracts to run out so he could get a bigger slice. Story took a back seat to merchandise from the very beginning. The man practically invented selling out.
I think TFA was the warning. TLJ was the true sign that the end is here
I actually liked TLJ. But we can all probably agree that the rise of skywalker was garbage.
I think everyone hated TROS
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Bravo! You nailed it.
Thanks ha ha
They were far better than the prequels and original ones