Parents saw a car crash scene today. One person, motorcyclist, with bleeding head, lying still on the ground.
Which makes me think. That guy’s not coming home today. Not for some time, if ever. And that day is guaranteed for all of us. Each and every one of us will, one day, stop going back home.
This is why we need to appreciate when they do come home. Be glad that they came back safely.
Good morning, netizens, I feel like crap after woke up. How about you guys?
I revenge slept because my cats were fighting so I had more sleep… But at what cost…
I want to sleep …
Morning 🌞
Shoulder super sore, and now my leg as well 💀
Tired aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I woke up 6 today and took me some walk to calm down myself.
Lol: - New: Elon Musk’s Twitter (now “X”) is throttling traffic to news websites and competitors he dislikes. Five-second delays on links to New York Times, Reuters, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Bluesky and Substack. Most other sites we tested have zero delay. (Then link to wapo)
Elon Musk went from the coolest tech zillionaire to world’s most hated guy lol
Not to play the hipster card but mine eyes have been rolling at him and his hair implant hairline even before that Iron Man 2 cameo 😌
what’s wrong with implanting hair lol, i have receding hairline already i think i might need one in the future @.@
Absolutely nothing wrong with that*. I just knew of Elon from his fake-ass PayPal/X days so when he showed up trying to cosplay a cool guy I’m like, hah.
*Pretty much the original avengers era lineup got all their hair sorted anyways
at least white people can rock botak, is like a very popular hairstyle in the West but Asian botak is just nek level cursed.
That’s just the low self-esteem talking bb
From my perspective his rep start to tank when he did Hyperloop, and further down when he did the cave rescue stunt. Should’ve stop at Tesla and SpaceX.
i thought it’s Twitter acquistion? before that many ppl suck his dick man…
Twitter is the last straw that broke the camel back, but yeah the like/hate ratio before twitter is tilting toward like.
Before Twitter those who rolled eyes at him were still in the minority. Now a bit more exposed but even then …
i wonder how’s the workforce composition at X now, idk if it’s a meme or not but got the impression from online that most that stayed were vulnerable H1B people that are about to be deported should they not choose to work there anymore lol.
Yeah same impression for me, reckon it’s one of those things that’ll come out in hearsay and anecdotes until some proper reporting/accounting exposes it.
@jeremybmerrill @drewharwell he could have just renamed it republicans anonymosAgree. Instead of X it should be REE. 🤣
@Annoyed_Crabby @cendawanita it really should!
Oooh interesting comment here too about them taking advantage of a known web ‘dark pattern’
Women’s World Cup Disappointed to just get back to Malaysia to discover that WWC is not being shown on ASTRO, UNIFI TV or FTA. Anyone know why?
Assumption that there’s no market/interest, likely
TIL the bidding for broadcasting rights was quite controversial. FIFA rejected a lot of low bids, which is one of the reasons why Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand did not have official broadcaster for the Women’s World Cup.
Still think those 3 countries had other priorities to spend media coverage on during the tournament period. You got a point.
I didn’t realize they’ve done this to the WWC too, how very FIFA of them 💀 I guess that’s a sign of success
Went bowling at ioi mall yesterday. The place sucks. The rate is by hours not by game. The lane is poorly maintained. My lane broke down during our game and the guy had to come and fix it. That’s at least 10 minutes gone. Maybe 15. And for some lanes, restocking new pins into the lane were so slow.
Good news is , I won two games. I think I figured out how to get the ball to go straight in the middle.
I don’t remember any bowling alley i went charge per game, all is per hour, so we usually rush it. But that was a decade ago.
Casual bowling alleys are oiled in such a way that incentivices the ball to go towards the center. Not so in professional games.
real talk: why girls can date outside of their league but guys couldn’t :O
Time to start a debate under the Malaysian dating sub 👀
grabs popcorn, but seriously tho… hardly seen guys dating more attractive women
I think you guys need to touch grasses. My cousin literally dating a chubby guy but none from our family has problem with it.
chubby guy must be a handsome king! :D or unless you’re insinuating he’s uggo af… then idk lol.
it’s just a general question, not really asking whether your family has any problem with it or not or whether attractive girl dating uggo guys exist or not. Of course this sort of relo exist. just saying personally i don’t see too many of these relationships.
So “league” is personal attractiveness as determined by…?
I’ve seen cases like that before, actually. I think it’s just that maybe some of those couples don’t go out that much.
Anyone else following the shitstorm happening right at this moment at a certain little tech media company in Vancouver (LMG/LTT)?
Not following closely but hoo boy. I hope more dirt comes out