Not individually but as a function of society. These people keep standards high, even the ones who are unreasonable. I don’t like them and I would hate to deal with them but in contrast they make reasonable people appear reasonable. If there were no Karen’s you might get attitude for asking for a clean spoon. So have some appreciation for these horrible people.
the karen meme and term became popular as a way for people of colour, particularly black Americans, to satirise the class-based and racially charged hostility they often face.
Let’s see how this will be spun to show poc victims of racial and class hostility as racist and hostile to racist bullies.
People who say calling out bullies is bullying are not against bullying, they’re pro-bullying and are against consequences to bullying ,
In this case, by their racist and privileged bullying karens threaten people with police, kids with jail, and low-wage service people with losing their jobs, but just publicly calling them karen is too much for the karens and their enablers to handle? This is some z-grade horse manure.