Not individually but as a function of society. These people keep standards high, even the ones who are unreasonable. I don’t like them and I would hate to deal with them but in contrast they make reasonable people appear reasonable. If there were no Karen’s you might get attitude for asking for a clean spoon. So have some appreciation for these horrible people.
What function do mosquitoes serve?
Things eat them and then other insects get to live because they ate mosquitoes instead
Yeah, but there are non mosquito things that fill that role as well, so it’s not unique to mosquitoes.
Also, the existence of mosquitos may be preventing another non-mosquito insect from filling its space in the ecosystem.
So not only are the “benefits” of mosquitoes redundant, they add far more negative than positive.
Mosquitoes suck, but aren’t entirely without value - that being said their only value isn’t unique to mosquitoes which negates nearly all of their value. But they’re still more valuable than Karen’s so it continues to be a losing argument
You might be taking the mosquito thing a little too literally. You can’t lift a naturally balanced ecosystem that’s evolved over millions of years and overlay it over the dynamics a coffee shop. I was simply trying to illustrate that the degrees of acceptable standards may have been lower without an extra buffer the keep legitimately fussy people from filling the role of a Karen. Some of these legitimately fussy people would naturally feel they are being reasonable and weren’t being treated with respect and would then appear to be overly entitled. We have already lived with Karens so the lessons have already been learned. Removing them now and saying “see standards haven’t dropped” isn’t an accurate comparison to living in a timeline where Karens never existed in the first place.