Got my xibux baby. $3000/month + health care and free kung pao chicken, all for dunking on libs on a tiny website nobody knows about from the comfort of my own home. What’s not to like? “Once we trick the foolish Americans into masking again by posting personal anecdotes on obscure websites…then the dawn of communism will have truly begun!”
??? someone sharing their personal anecdote with you is trolling? what the fuck is your problem?
At the risk of sounding paranoid, the person you’re talking to shows more indicators of being paid to post than anyone I’ve yet encountered.
At least I hope they are, the alternative is too bleak to contemplate
Got my xibux baby. $3000/month + health care and free kung pao chicken, all for dunking on libs on a tiny website nobody knows about from the comfort of my own home. What’s not to like? “Once we trick the foolish Americans into masking again by posting personal anecdotes on obscure websites…then the dawn of communism will have truly begun!”
deleted by creator
says the troll
seek help
I’d say the same but there’s clearly no helping you
says the troll
I’m sorry about my alt’s behavior
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