• spongebue@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I’ve made this recipe before and it’s fantastic - looks a little different than OP, but I’d still recommend it. https://www.cookingcarnival.com/instant-pot-tofu-tikka-masala/

    I do a couple things differently, like I skip the sieve and am super thorough with the immersion blender instead. A couple dry red (arbol?) chiles from the Mexican foods section of the grocery store work well.

    My dad and I are both omnivores (him being less adventurous than I) and I made this one time. When I told him what I was making, he joked about going to McDonald’s instead. He had 3 helpings.

    I also have a friend from India. I’m sure it’s not authentic, but he really likes this one (to be fair, he says that about everything I make. I don’t think it’s out of pure politeness, but I try not to get too arrogant about it either 😉 )