This is very scary and yet they have to do this in their daily commute to school.
They’re not trapped, the door is wide open. They just don’t want to get out on account of their altitude.
The owner of the cable car company in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province was later arrested by police on multiple charges including negligence and endangering valuable lives.
“Endangering valuable lives”? I’d love to get a breakdown between which lives are valuable and which aren’t.
prigozhin wasn’t very valuable.
They’re talking about their organs
Are we going to talk about the two dudes pulling themselves along on that open platform??
Cable snaps.
Weight for two cables is now on one cable.
Rescue Plan A: one kid saved by helicopter before dark.
Rescue Plan B: Send another weight in form of a man on that very cable.
I would’ve died from a heart attack.
Yeah, you wouldn’t be able to force me to ride on that. What is that? TucTuc cargo bed with cheap pulleys and someone’s front gate as doors?
This image is horrible. Being stuck there and all you see while trying not to die, is a news broadcast drone recording you for the live stream, to display everyone your misery and possibly fall to death.
As sketchy is the car itself looks, how cool is it that we can literally fly a harness up to them by drone for the zipline to the ground? Yes, they used military helos, but that all could have been delivered by drone, then winched up to the helo. Interesting times.
Mofo in the back just browsing on their phone. “Welp looks like we’ll be here a while, time to clean out those old emails!”
Not like you can do much else whilst awaiting rescue, to be fair.
That is terrifying. The cable car looks like it was falling apart even before the cable snapped.
I realize it’s a video but that’s the picture of the year right there.