At least they tried asbestos they can at the time.
Cough, cough … You got that right … cough, cough, hack, HACK, HHHHHHHHHHAACK, cough, cough.
Me so glad they tried!
The Wizard of Oz was one of the absolute most dangerous films ever made. OP is there a good essay about the history of this? It’s a REALLY fascinating story and a lot of people who watch and enjoy movies would probably be absorbed into reading it.
There was a couple of books about it, it seems.
If you don’t know: It made them all gay
Yea, just like the frigging frogs!
The Slow Demise of Asbestos, the Carcinogen that Gave ‘The Wizard of Oz’ Snow
I think I looked this up at one point, and weirdly, none of them died from the asbestos. I seem to remember several of the actors died relatively young, so maybe something else got them first.
It was in 1939. Asbestos usually fucks you 20 years later, so around 1950. While Asbestos related diseases were acknowledged in the 40s, the widespread understanding of a health hazard was only coming up in the 60s to 80s.
So it is very well possible, that it simply wasn’t checked.
Asbestos isn’t that bad for you when compared to heavy amphetamine and barbiturate use. But I’m sure it did help with the emotional pain of being constantly molested and likely raped or being poisoned to death from toxic paint on your face.
Garland was groped constantly on set and spent a lot of time in the office. The tinman had a severe reaction to the tin paint. Lots of other issues.
Just posting this all over the place? I’ve seen it on three different meme subs
Op doesn’t know how to cross post
Don’t they join together if the title is the same?
They come out as crossposts or used to…
They will act like cross-posts if they have the same URL.
For image posts like this (or any post in general) use the cross-post button.
They used to be joined as crossposts if they have the same title (I have seen it happen before), will try to crosspost next time!
Breathe deep!
I saw a very long summary of all that went wrong at the making of this film on Reddit once.
Just goes to show you Hollywood was always a messed up place. It was indifferent to people back then, it is indifferent to people now.
On a slightly related topic, “Babylon” was too much the same self loathing and despair from Hollywood; it ultimately bombed, despite being a technically great movie, because everyone is sick and tired of seeing Hollywood bemoaning that this messed up world is never going to change.
I hope they will be proven wrong after the strike.
Removed by mod
Ngl I’m pretty terminally online and spend an unhealthy amount of time reading about politics (both fringe and otherwise) but I have almost no clue what your comment is saying lol
So you can blame it on horseshoe theory, or right wingers posing as lefties in order to disincentivize the get out the vote campaigns, or simple trolling by otherwise disinterested people, but there’s a phenomenon that seems to be getting more prevalent - on lemmy in particular but also our there in social space.
It’s folks who will unironically brand Bernie Sanders as a capitalist reactionary while praising Putin as an anti-capitalist hero standing up against imperialism. The dialog is actually remarkably close to what we saw in the early days of the_donald, where the over the top jokes about the trump train and the line transformed via some kind of sea change into what was considered serious dialog.
There was an actual fracturing off of some elements of the relatively far left (think pacifica radio not the weathermen) with the trump-russia thing and that might have its own causality to explore, but I don’t think that does anything but provide a nucleus for the rest to organize around.
folks who will unironically brand Bernie Sanders as a capitalist reactionary while praising Putin as an anti-capitalist hero
who did that? where? i can’t find it.
You can claim to be as terminally online as you want but never in the heat death of the universe will you see even 1/100th of the internet
This is true lol
Oh my god lol, am I so terminally online I’ve lost the ability to communicate? Ffffff
Do you wanna be terminally online about politics together? 🤣
Ha it’s all good. Jokes aside can you break it down for me? Very curious now
So OP is posting about Matt Taibbi, who is a writer who shills for this Centrism or “both parties bad” viewpoint. These talking points are often very subtle right-wing strategies. Matt is there to launder the right wing talking points of others and make them seem acceptable to US Liberals.
The OP’s username being “Jimmy Dore is a Leftist” is yet another politically helpful lie. Jimmy Dore had this same centrist strategy, but now it’s impossible for anyone to deny he’s not just a reavtionary.
And OP is also simping for Cornel West, another reactionary who is at the center of the “No Labels” party. This party is yet another piece of the centrist myth. And yet it’s funded by evil billionaires like Harlan Crow, who gives money to Clarence Thomas.
These centrists not only hide their power level that is lie about their true political prescriptions, they are often there solely to fight the Democrats rather than the Republicans - an intentional spoiler third party. In the first past the post system, we are vulnerable to people voting this way rather than using gsme theory to deduce the only proper vote is for one of those two candidates.
And this is all there to put a smudge on the reputation of Democrats. Because Republicans are never purists - they want to win, not be right.
And Democrats do have problems worth discussing, but the game theory of the Presidential vote is this: any vote against Biden is a vote for Trump.
So voting for Biden is Harm Reduction. His wins can delay fascism from taking over the US in 2025.
This really shines light on that user’s motives. I banned that user because of being a really sus bot, but this meme will not be removed as no rules have been broken. Where I can learn more about the subject?
Exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for. Thank you.
Thank you! Gotta add these to my Instapaper and read later with my ebook reader :)
this only shines a light on the motives of the screed-writing rhetorician
Fascinating and the most compelling argument that I have heard to date for the unsavoury practice of strategic voting.
don’t be taken in by rhetoricians.
Don’t be taken in by… People who make good arguments?
And Democrats do have problems worth discussing, but the game theory of the Presidential vote is this: any vote against Biden is a vote for Trump.
So voting for Biden is Harm Reduction. His wins can delay fascism from taking over the US in 2025
Gotta say I hate that. I get these shills are playing the long game, but in the end, this is the same bullshit that got us in this predicament in the first place - vote for one because the other is worse!! We will never progress with that hanging over our heads.
Yeah, I despise the two-party system. Protest voting won’t magically give us the democracy we deserve. It has to be done on a small scale, local and state level. It’s gotta be organized. Governors are particularly invulnerable to this two-party bullshit, and that is I believe why a few states have Ranked Choice Voting now.
And actually voters aren’t to blame. The founding fathers understood what they were doing to our democracy, and them saying a two party system must not be established was probably more of a dogwhistle that it should be done immediately because it will work.
some of the founders were outspoken in their support of a two-party system. you don’t seem to know as much as you pretend.
edit: or you’re lying.
We will never progress with that hanging over our heads.
Which is horrifying recklessness on the part of Democrats. “Be happy with ‘not fascist’ because that’s the best we’re willing to do” only has to fail once.
Appreciate it!
Cornel West, another reactionary who is at the center of the “No Labels” party.
this is just a lie.
cornel west is a leftist and he’s running for the green party nomination.
Oh, you’re right. No Labels hasn’t chosen a candidate and Cornel West is indeed vying for the green party ticket.
These centrists not only hide their power level
the fact you would use this ACTUALLY FASCIST terminology makes me suspect you are either trying to paint them as fascists or are one yourself.
Fascists would not scold liberals, because liberals are permissive of fascism.
liberals are permissive of fascism.
Fascists would not scold liberals
“Anyone who calls me out for using a dog whistle must be a dog.”
nazi hunting is a hobby of mine. you should see my podcast subscriptions.
So voting for Biden is Harm Reduction. His wins can delay fascism from taking over the US in 2025.
you don’t know what harm reduction OR fascism is.
You wanna help me out?
harm reduction is accepting that a fascist is going to win whether they are democrat or republican and doing what you can to mitigate the harm that will be done by the current system.
fascism is a strictly stratified society with every institution serving the interest of the state. democrats and republicans are both fascist parties.
Matt Taibbi, who is a writer who shills for this Centrism
no he doesn’t
or “both parties bad” viewpoint.
that’s a different perspective entirely.
Matt is there to launder the right wing talking points of others and make them seem acceptable to US Liberals.
i dont think matt is talking to liberals at all: he’s talking to leftists.
Jimmy Dore had this same centrist strategy, but now it’s impossible for anyone to deny he’s not just a reavtionary.
i deny it. i think he’s a dummy, maybe politically illiterate, but he’s not a reactionary.
And Democrats do have problems worth discussing, but the game theory of the Presidential vote is this: any vote against Biden is a vote for Trump.
wrong. only a vote for trump is a vote for trump. a vote for anyone else is a vote against trump.
Third parties in our system are spoilers. Even more so when the “No Labels” party is funded by evil billionaires with the explicit goal of being a spoiler third party.
Third parties in our system are spoilers.
so did the greens spoil the 2020 election? the 2008? 1992?
spoilers are a lie.
they are often there solely to fight the Democrats rather than the Republicans - an intentional spoiler third party. In the first past the post system, we are vulnerable to people voting this way rather than using gsme theory to deduce the only proper vote is for one of those two candidates.
cornel west has said he’s running to defeat trump, and attacked him in the sean hannity interview. whatever your bias is, it doesn’t align with the facts.
Cornel west is lying, not me.
he attacked trump and associated him with the klan in his hannity interview this summer. you just don’t know the facts.
What the hell does this have to do with the Wizard of Oz?
Edit: man it took awhile to notice this is about OPs username. God I’m so fuckin tired of online political discourse.
OP is trying to do this in order to bring popularity to a bunch of reactionary political takes.
How? By posting a meme about asbestos? Do the reactionaries think asbestos is safe to use as snow special effect or what?
His username
Also yes lmfao
Maybe I should sell them asbestos as a new health food.
Man I miss old matt taibbi so much. What happened to him 😭
Yeah same :(
fuck that shit