True, but I like to feel like I’m supporting Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks. I’ll usually torrent but get a month of Paramount+ to also run up the viewership.
My wife and I cracked up at it the whole time. They still do videos but instead of music videos, it’s stupid YouTube videos that they make fun of. It’s worth checking out. Way funnier than anticipated.
I used to have Paramount Plus for Big Brother before I got tired of it, it’s good for that “reality” genre. Also nice to have a news channel which is not an offering on the larger streaming networks.
Workaholics, star trek and Nickelodeon. I watched more of that than any other Netflix for a couple of weeks. I’m also interested in the Frasier show, hopefully it is decentm
I picked them up a few months ago so I could watch Clerks 3 and Ghostbusters Afterlife. Then I ended up watching Spartacus, Ash vs Evil Dead, and Outlander. There’s a few other things on there I’d like to see, but I don’t think it’s enough to justify a yearly subscription considering how little TV I watch. Once they have John Wick 4 and I get through that, then I’ll probably cancel.
That’d be great, if they had any content. They’re about on par with Paramount plus in my mind. Which I’m also never going to pay for.
At least Paramount has all the Star Trek shows.
So do torrent sites.
True, but I like to feel like I’m supporting Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks. I’ll usually torrent but get a month of Paramount+ to also run up the viewership.
Most of the Star Trek shows. Bring back Prodigy, Paramount.
And the new Beavis and Butthead series. It’s a shame it will likely be cancelled yet again for being on the wrong network.
Is it any good? Does it follow the same music video format as the original?
My wife and I cracked up at it the whole time. They still do videos but instead of music videos, it’s stupid YouTube videos that they make fun of. It’s worth checking out. Way funnier than anticipated.
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
The quality varies wildly. The one where Beavis talks to Fire in a dumpster is excellent.
Ya, I’d probably watch more old trek episodes if they didn’t have commercials.
Oh that’s right! They added commercials in-between episodes. What a bunch of pendejos.
Commercials on Paramount Plus? I definitely don’t have that on mine, is it a US thing?
I get the same 30 sec commercial for Strange New Worlds every time I start any Trek episode, but no other ads
deleted by creator
Whoop de fucking doo
Well la-de-fricken-da!
Paramount plus has Nickelodeon, so it’s actually pretty good if you have kids.
I only have it because it comes included with Walmart+, but it’s gotten more use than I ever expected it would.
Yeah, there was a time when it was essential for the little ones. They needed that Paw Patrol
I used to have Paramount Plus for Big Brother before I got tired of it, it’s good for that “reality” genre. Also nice to have a news channel which is not an offering on the larger streaming networks.
My family had paramount plus for a year (or maybe six months?) through T-Mobile. I think we watched one movie on it the whole time.
Paramount+ has all the Star Trek. Too bad their app doesn’t ever actually let me watch any of it so I pirate it anyway. 😬
Workaholics, star trek and Nickelodeon. I watched more of that than any other Netflix for a couple of weeks. I’m also interested in the Frasier show, hopefully it is decentm
I picked them up a few months ago so I could watch Clerks 3 and Ghostbusters Afterlife. Then I ended up watching Spartacus, Ash vs Evil Dead, and Outlander. There’s a few other things on there I’d like to see, but I don’t think it’s enough to justify a yearly subscription considering how little TV I watch. Once they have John Wick 4 and I get through that, then I’ll probably cancel.
Is Black Sails still Starz? If so, give that a watch if you’re into pirate/privateer genre.
Why pay for any streaming services when you can stream pretty much anything for free here