I almost forgot to post this week’s thread! Life has been pretty busy, and will probably going to stay like that for couple of months. So, not getting much gaming time. But thinking about making small gaming goals to keep chipping away at these games.
- Didn’t get to play New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, but plan to at least clear one level every day, starting from this weekend.
- Completed second case in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, started a third one. Loving the game.
- Dragon Quest XI is probably the only one I spent most time playing. Going to keep playing it.
- Beat Nergigante, with some help in Monster Hunter: World. Now have to look for other Elder Dragons, but since I have Rathian armour which has -10 Dragon damage resistance, going to grind some better armour. Thinking about High Metal or Ingot. I was thinking about pausing the game for a while to focus on DQ XI, but then I thought I would have to “git gut” in MH again, so going to stick with it. Couple of sessions every week at least to keep the skills from deteriorating very much.
What about you guys? What are you currently playing? And what do you want to start next?
I mentioned a while ago I wanted to get New Super Super Mario Bros U Deluxe (when you write it down, you realise what a silly name 🤦), but since Wonder is so close, I don’t think I will. I’m really looking forward to it after the Direct!
I started playing the TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge DLC and really enjoyed Survival Mode, it’s pretty cool. I want to play the story with more characters and hopefully will be playing some co-op during the weekend.
The only other game I’m playing on Switch is Pikmin 4, but I’ve also been playing some Game Boy here and there (peak Zelda, Kirby, Indestructo Tank!).
I haven’t watched the Direct, going to skip it and go in blind. Though, that would probably be sometime next year.
I need to play TMNT more. May check out the DLC.
That’s a good idea. I think they did spoil a few too many things in the Direct, but also I’m sure there’ll be plenty of surprises. My memory is so bad that everything will seem new by the time I play anyway 😅
Haha, my memory is same like that, and I am not even playing that on launch. 😀
I think I’ll buy that DLC too. Not that expensive and I really liked the Shredder’s revenge.
Sea of Stars was released three days ago, and it is just incredibly gorgeous and adorable.
It’s a 2D RPG in the style Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger.
Definite 👍 from me.
It’s a 2D RPG in the style Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger.
Oooh, you have me curious, I’ll look into it
Do you know if the demo save transfers over? I wanna play the demo even if I already know I’ll probably love it lol
Demo doesn’t start from the beginning, so I don’t see how it could transfer
Obligatory, the games is available on PS+ Extra and Gamepass, if anyone has those subscriptions.
I haven’t played it yet, but from all accounts, the game is great. It’s on my wishlist.
Almost done with the shrines in TotK. Going to do a few more quests (getting burnt out), hunt more Lynel to max my armor, and then go kill Ganon or whatever.
I was so sad when I did all of that, I miss ToTK but play throughs a second time just aren’t interesting.
Yeah, I am not much for second play through, specially in a game like this where the sense of discovery won’t be that much, and there aren’t different classes to have a completely different experience.
If you are getting burned out, maybe take a break, or skip some side-quests, and come back to them later. Nothing wrong with that.
Good luck with your final stretch!
Gonna be struggling against the mewtwo raid in Violet since I ain’t paying for online access nor friends that have a copy of the game.
How could I have forgotten about the Mewtwo raids? I’ll be doing those too.
Probably keep replaying Super Mario Odyssey and some random NES and SNES games
I finally 100% it this year. One of my fav games of all time.
Got all the moons? Wow. That’s a big achievement.
Thanks man. Skipping one was the hardest in New Donk City.
Yeah, I think I got that, but it could be me just hearing about it and trying it, and then my memory making up the rest.
I think there are two, one is really high (as in a high skip count).
Ah, that is a possibility. I didn’t go for 100%, but I tried to get many of the easy ones. So, if there’s a easy one and a difficult one, I probably only got the easy one.
Waiting for some game, or just can’t find anything else interesting to play?
Not really, sometimes I just like playing something familiar rather than something new.
Fair enough, I am like that with books, sometimes re-reading a book you have read half-a-dozen times feels much better than trying out something new.
Finished everything in the main story of Tears of the Kingdom except the last portion in the castle. Now I’m on the “final push” of prep for the finish to find the remaining shrines (I’ve found 98 of around 150 total so far, though I may stick to just the 120 on the surface) and level up my armor before I take the castle on (I did sneak in there once and grab one important item already). That could take a while, though, lol.
Ah, nearing the final stretch! Good luck!
Still grinding ToTK (90 hours in). I haven’t finished the main story yet even though I bought the game on the release date. I’m taking it slow and enjoy the journey.
Yeah, this game shouldn’t be rushed through. I am glad you are still enjoying it!
I’m having a blast with Pocky & Rocky Reshrined!
How are you liking the game. It looks nice, but I am not a good enough to player to beat bullet-hell games. So, don’t play those anymore.
I would say it’s more a “slow paced” methodical scrolling shmup than a bullet hell tbh. Most levels required a few retries for me, but there are some checkpoints and the timer is fairly generous imo, so you’re able to make progress consistently.
That’s interesting then. I like the art style, but mainly ignored it because it looked like a bullet hell. Going to watch a review or two, and give it a try if I like what I see.
Thanks for your input!
Finished Grisaia Phantom Trigger 5.5 to 08.
For those unfamiliar with this series of Visual Novels I left a small explanation about it on the second half of a comment a few weeks ago.
Episode 07 ended up rather disappointing. Given it’s the second-to-last episode and we already went through introductions for all the heroes and the main antagonist I was expecting the story to ramp up, but after the decent start with Shiori we go into the warzone and… get even more setup, with a very late introduction of a bunch of smaller villains alongside the early stages of the war.
Then we start 08 and… somehow there’s a brand-new PoV character? This late in the story? But this turns out to be one of the best parts of this VN as you read the grim tale of Patrick, a civilian among the enemy forces trying to survive as the war rages on. The story keeps switching between Patrick and the main character group for the first half, then switches back entirely to the main cast for the action-packed finale.
Overall a decent VN, but nothing exceptional. I wouldn’t recommend it for someone starting with the genre as there’s much better things to read, but it’s a nice “confort food” read if you’re a VN fan looking for something new.
You finally finished it! Thanks for the review!
BTW is this a long game, or have you not been playing that much, cause this is pretty much how long you took to finish that Trails game.
No, this one is much shorter, something around 20h.
I just didn’t have the time to play a lot recently, weekends have been very busy.
I can understand, it’s same here.
Co-op weekend. I bought pikuniku last week and already played it through but this weekend I tried the co-op game and it was good. Also tried the bee simulator I bought on discount price. It wasn’t particularly good. Whereas playing Portal 2 and Crypt of the Necrodancer co-op was great.
Interesting list of games. How did you like Crypt of Necrodancer? It’s on my wishlist, but I am on the fence because of the “play on the beat” gameplay.
There’s this one playable character that doesn’t have to play on the beat but I don’t know if it’s very helpful since the enemies dance each their own way in the rhythm so you would have to pay attention to the rhythm anyway in order to attack and defend.
I like this game. Usually I don’t play a roguelike game many times because I think too much and it’s complex game anyway so it’s time consuming (I have the same problem with Civilization). This game forces you to act fast and not to think too much. And as in other roguelikes the party could stop any moment so you better keep just dancing while it lasts. It’s a bit difficult game at least for me. I have only completed the zone 1 so far.
Of course I don’t know if you would like it. If you can’t stand rhythm games at all then maybe it’s not for you, but staying on the beat is not really the difficult part of the game. The game has very nice soundtrack so it’s fun to dance around killing monsters.
I like the idea of rhythm games, but I am afraid of staying on the beat, feels difficult, but if that’s no the difficult part, then I could give it a try.
I think it has a demo available too. Can get the feel of the game.
And yeah, I personally don’t like the roguelites either, I am mainly interested in it because of their next games, Cadence of Hyrule, which is a crossover with Zelda.
Sadly nothing :( family is coming out for the long weekend for a visit and to help with renovations. Otherwise I would be playing Starfield and Minecraft (Mechanical Mastery)
I started reading your comment, and though, well, spending time with family is good, specially when they are coming to help with renovations, then I read it means not playing Starfield, and I was like Nooooo! Send them back! Play Starfield!
Ah well, maybe next weekend.
I’m not playing but I’m watching a let’s play for Rain Code it looks super tempting and so far the story is great. Vivian Twilight is my fav so far
Yeah, Rain Code looks nice, I was thinking about starting it, but it’s a long game, didn’t want to start another long game before finishing any of the current ones. So, left it for later.
I finally finished Xenoblade 3 and Future Connected, so now I’ve finally started Tears of the Kingdom.
Future Connected! When will I get to play it! Without spoiling anything from the DLC, how did you like it?
Your journey is starting, have fun!
I thought it was really good! It’s got some great QoL improvements that I wish they had backported to the base game, honestly. Also, it addresses some flaws in the end of the base game, making it a clearer what was supposed to have happened (while still leaving some stuff open, it is a Xeno game after all).
Also, I won’t spoil anything but if you’re a long-time fan of the series there’s a lot to like.
Nice! I have played all the XC available on Switch, XC 2 was my first one, then XC: DE, and finally XC 3. Love the series. Have been looking forward to see how they connect all three and wrap the series.
Thanks for info, and not sharing spoilers! 😀
I need to put extra effort in Caligula Effect 2. I thought the Baten Kaitos remaster released at the end of the month, not the middle, so I’m behind pace.
In the meantime, I also started the first Assassin’s Creed for the first time. I figured, if the series got as big as it is, it’s worth looking into it, especially when you can get the old ones for dirt-cheap in any given Steam Sale. I’m not surprised, but I didn’t expect the blueprint to the Ubisoft Open World formula to be this complete this early, in a game that isn’t even open world yet. It’s fun though, but it’s showing its age.
Yeah, the first game isn’t all that great, but it tried some new things, so was regarded highly. The second one (Ezio trilogy) was a really good though, and IIRC that is what brought the series to such a fame.
Dragon Quest XI is probably the only one I spent most time playing. Going to keep playing it.
Yee haw! Same here for me this weekend.
Have you cleared the frozen area? I just did that. Still have to get the reward, but rest is all done.
Yep I have :-). Right now it seems like I may be close to the end of the game so I am occupying myself with Tinkington stuff and trying to find mini medals.
Oooh! I haven’t done any of the Tikington stuff, other than the first one. Good luck!