Brave, but what does that accomplish? You cant start a revolution if you are dead. And that few minutes (if you can even get more than a minute before the KGB FSB tackle you) of the flag being shown doesn’t really draws much attention than it would if you had a much larger crowd.
The better thing to do is to live, and build an underground resistance movement against putin.
Brave, but what does that accomplish? You cant start a revolution if you are dead. And that few minutes (if you can even get more than a minute before the
KGBFSB tackle you) of the flag being shown doesn’t really draws much attention than it would if you had a much larger crowd.The better thing to do is to live, and build an underground resistance movement against putin.
never discount what one person publicly defying oppression means to those suffering under it
@downpunxx @aihue @WtfEvenIsExistence
True. I wonder what would happen if someone waves and American, British, German or Dutch flag overthere.
I think you just get featured in Kremlin’s propaganda piece: “NATO SPY ARRESTED AT RED SQUARE!”
but what does that accomplish? You cant start a revolution if you are dead
Usually its a single death is the last nail in the coffin the triggers it.