Schoolgirls who refused to change out of the loose-fitting robes have been sent home with a letter to parents on secularism.

French public schools have sent dozens of girls home for refusing to remove their abayas – long, loose-fitting robes worn by some Muslim women and girls – on the first day of the school year, according to Education Minister Gabriel Attal.

Defying a ban on the garment seen as a religious symbol, nearly 300 girls showed up on Monday morning wearing abayas, Attal told the BFM broadcaster on Tuesday.

Most agreed to change out of the robe, but 67 refused and were sent home, he said.

The government announced last month it was banning the abaya in schools, saying it broke the rules on secularism in education that have already seen headscarves forbidden on the grounds they constitute a display of religious affiliation.

The move gladdened the political right but the hard left argued it represented an affront to civil liberties.

The 34-year-old minister said the girls refused entry on Monday were given a letter addressed to their families saying that “secularism is not a constraint, it is a liberty”.

If they showed up at school again wearing the gown there would be a “new dialogue”.

He added that he was in favour of trialling school uniforms or a dress code amid the debate over the ban.

Uniforms have not been obligatory in French schools since 1968 but have regularly come back on the political agenda, often pushed by conservative and far-right politicians.

Attal said he would provide a timetable later this year for carrying out a trial run of uniforms with any schools that agree to participate.

“I don’t think that the school uniform is a miracle solution that solves all problems related to harassment, social inequalities or secularism,” he said.

But he added: “We must go through experiments, try things out” in order to promote debate, he said.

‘Worst consequences’

Al Jazeera’s Natacha Butler, reporting from Paris before the ban came into force said Attal deemed the abaya a religious symbol which violates French secularism.

“Since 2004, in France, religious signs and symbols have been banned in schools, including headscarves, kippas and crosses,” she said.

“Gabriel Attal, the education minister, says that no one should walk into a classroom wearing something which could suggest what their religion is.”

On Monday, President Emmanuel Macron defended the controversial measure, saying there was a “minority” in France who “hijack a religion and challenge the republic and secularism”.

He said it leads to the “worst consequences” such as the murder three years ago of teacher Samuel Paty for showing Prophet Muhammad caricatures during a civics education class.

“We cannot act as if the terrorist attack, the murder of Samuel Paty, had not happened,” he said in an interview with the YouTube channel, HugoDecrypte.

An association representing Muslims has filed a motion with the State Council, France’s highest court for complaints against state authorities, for an injunction against the ban on the abaya and the qamis, its equivalent dress for men.

The Action for the Rights of Muslims (ADM) motion is to be examined later on Tuesday.

    1 year ago

    An Abaya is just a flowing robe.

    This ban is like an American school saying you’re allowed to wear cowboy hats but not sombreros because sombreros are associated with catholicism, in that they are mostly associated with the culture of a predominately catholic country.

    This is like banning kids from wearing rainbows because it signifies their values.

        1 year ago

        The rule isn’t no flowing robes.

        The rule is “no flowing robes on kids suspected of being muslim”.

          1 year ago

          So let the french kids who are not muslim, wear these robes and see what happens.

      1 year ago

      I disagree, the Abaya is not just a flowing robe.

      It is a garment that is required by the Sharia law (see Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries where women are not allowed to choose what they wear).

      Allowing this is the first step in letting religion in the public schools in France, where it has always been explicitly banned.

      And it is very unlike banning rainbows, those are a symbol used to promote acceptance of the diversity of others, something religions struggle with (ever notice how religion is closely tied with extremism?)

      Another factor to take into account is that these young girl may be forced by their family to wear such a garment, imposing upon them something they may not be old enough to refuse.

      Also, look up the paradox of intolerance, as allowing anyone to do as they please causes the rise of extremism.

        1 year ago

        This is a very hyperbolic take on that paradox.

        An article of clothing can’t be religious on its own. Saudi Arabia may have done the wrong thing by requiring this specific article of clothing but banning it is also bad.

        A girl may want to wear a loose fitting dress for any number of reasons. Some people are just more modest than others and that shouldn’t be punished.

        Looking at abaya online, and as a westerner I actually kinda like the style of them as well. I could see them being work as a strictly fashionable article of clothing.

          1 year ago

          An article of clothing can’t be religious on its own

          Really? What about a kippa ? Or a priest’s robes ?

          The kippa is forbidden in french schools for this very same reason, it signals religion.

          Loose fitting dresses are not forbidden, abayas are. They are a specific kind of loose fitting dresses. One that signals religion.

          I don’t see them working as a fashion article, but that may just be my taste.

        1 year ago

        I really appreciate you engaging in more than just one liners.

        I disagree, the Abaya is not just a flowing robe.

        It is a garment that is required by the Sharia law (see Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries where women are not allowed to choose what they wear).

        From le Monde

        [Saudi Arabia] Since 2022 (…) has outlawed the wearing of abaya for women during examinations.

        It is not a religious garment. It is a cultural garment. You’re right that it is often worn by Muslim women/girls to achieve islamic notions of modesty. But it’s predominately worn by people strongly influenced by Arab culture, not muslims everywhere.

        I agree that countries should not generally be dictating what people are allowed to wear.

        Allowing this is the first step in letting religion in the public schools in France, where it has always been explicitly banned.

        Except it’s not the first step in letting religion in schools. It was already allowed and then was banned. The pendulum is swinging away from religious tolerance. It would be more accurate to view the ban as the next step in a series of measures further disembracing France’s ethnic minorities.

        And it is very unlike banning rainbows, those are a symbol used to promote acceptance of the diversity of others

        So you support symbols of the acceptance of the diversity of others. But you do not support actual acceptance of cultural diversity.

        ever notice how religion is closely tied with extremism?

        Yes. Too many religions have dark histories/presents.

        Another factor to take into account is that these young girl may be forced by their family to wear such a garment, imposing upon them something they may not be old enough to refuse.

        I think the best way to help people in situations like this is to get them into environments where they can make strong relationships with people outside their family’s religion. Like public schools.

        Also, look up the paradox of intolerance, as allowing anyone to do as they please causes the rise of extremism.

        I’m familiar with the concept and agree that limitations to freedom are necessary to protect freedom. But is it intolerance to wear an Abaya or is it intolerance to forbid unfamiliar styles of clothing?

        I applaud France’s goal of a secular society. But I think this policy is a misstep.

        Look at images of abaya compared to duster cardigans and maybe you’ll see what I mean.