RFC, sighting comments
First RFC. Then ADR.
The way we do it on my team is debate and discussion. Debate can be tricky in a professional environment. Some people go into thinking they need to dominate their opponent and make it personal. Personally, I would try to avoid hiring people like that in the first place, but sometimes you got to make do. The thing to remember is that you all are on the same side and have the same goal.
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I’m assuming this is considering a technical problem? We generally prefer consent over consensus meaning a solution is accepted if noone is against it instead of everyone being for it.
The absence of descent does not imply the presence of acceptance.
Sometimes people are busy and don’t have time to think about or discuss doing X thing, but they haven’t bought in on it.
A lead or senior person on the team needs to gather input and get a read from people individually, sometimes.
I also think there’s another good one when things are in a deadlock and nobody wants to force their position: “Disagree and decide.” - having some ruffled feathers and a resolution is way better than the illusion of harmony and no closure.
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